
I'm a wife to my "Mr. Right". A momma of five. A maker of slow food and simple living. A collector of memories, a keeper of books, and a champion for books that make memories. An addict who likes my half-and-half with a splash of coffee. A fractured pot transformed by the One Who makes broken things beautiful. I heart homeschooling, brake for libraries, and am glad you're here with me on the journey! Be sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. Or, follow along with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google +, Youtube, or Pinterest.

10th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2024-2025

 10th grade homeschool resources

My fourth born had an extraordinary 9th-grade year! In the past nine months, he was hand-picked by a baseball coach to pitch for the local high school baseball team, won the National Congregational Art Competition for our district, flew to Washington, D.C., to see his colored pencil sketch hanging in the US Capital, learned how to do 540 jump on the downhill ski slope, traveled with the whole family to Branson, MO for an unforgettable vacation, and went with some youth group pals to St. Louis to spread the love of Jesus to inner city youth and displaced/houseless adults. His 2023-2024 will be a tough act to follow, to say the least.

But, given his insatiable appetite for doing, making, creating, and discovering, I am confident that his 10th-grade year will be memorable in its own right. 

Here's what he'll be learning. Since we only homeschool 4-days a week, you can assume that each of these subjects will be covered only four times each week unless otherwise indicated. An asterisk signifies a new-to-him or new-to-me resource. 

(This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for full details.) 

10th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2024-2025

Content-rich Subjects

As always, he'll do all of his content-rich subjects like Morning time/Bible, history, and sign language with his other brothers. You can see those curriculum choices here>>>

Personal Devotions- every day



  • Algebra 1- This is a live Zoom class offered by Excelsior Classes, a group of Christian teachers who teach online classes to homeschoolers. 


  • Biology video lessons from BJU Press


  • Constitutional Literacy- In addition to doing a homespun interactive civics notebook with his younger brother, he will also be doing this workbook/DVD set that examines our government and some current events through the lens of the Constitution and the original intent of its signers. (2x a week)

Extra-Curricular Subjects

  • The Calligrapher's Bible*- He has a growing fascination with black lettering (Gothic calligraphy found in old books) and wants to learn various hand-drawn fonts. 
  • Gothic and Old English Alphabets*- If he continues to enjoy calligraphy and his skills progress throughout the year, I will purchase this typeset/style book for him. 

  • Continue with his blacksmithing apprenticeship at a local forge a couple of Saturdays throughout the winter months. One of our house rules is that by the time you graduate, no matter what your future college/vocational plans might be, you will have had to learn a trade under a master craftsman. Here's why>>>
  • Try out for the public high school junior varsity team. 
  • Play for the local club/traveling league in the late spring and summer months. 

Life Skills

  • Life Skills for the Homeschooler- This is an out-of-print resource compiled by Steve Clark that teaches basic life skills like filling out a renter's agreement, maintaining proper records on a vehicle, paying taxes, etc. Because of its 2000 publication year, some of the information is a bit outdated. I've not found a newer publication that is even slightly comparable, however. (2x a week)
  • Take Driver's Ed from a local company in the spring. (This is mandatory in our state.)
  • Mow the lawn or shovel the snow as needed with his siblings and at an Airbnb in our neighborhood
  • Volunteer in the church nursery. (2x a month)
  • Volunteer at the local soup kitchen with the rest of the family. (1x a month)
  • Clean his room and make his bed each day.
  • Daily chores: sweep the library, sweep the stairs and landing, wipe down the surfaces in the upstairs bathroom
  • Weekly Chores for his child-of-the-day privileges and responsibilities: help make lunch/dinner and do two loads of laundry (Wednesdays), wash the dishes (Wednesdays and Thursdays), rotate with his brothers to mow the lawn and/or shovel the snow as needed
  • Monthly Chores: dust the main floor with his siblings, mop the library, mop the stairs and landing, mop his room, randomly select one additional chore from our chore jar one Saturday each month

Co-operative Learning

Twice a month, he'll attend the homeschool co-op that I lead and will participate in two enrichment classes each semester for a total of four for the 2024-2025 school year. In addition, he'll be able to join in on several field trips offered by the group.

His first-semester co-op classes will be as follows:

  • Intro to Marketing/Business
  • Mixed Media Art

His second-semester co-op classes are yet to be determined.

I can't guarantee that this year will be as epic as the last, but one look at his homeschool lineup tells me that it is jam-packed with potential. 


  1. I’m not able to find the workbook for the Constitution Literacy.

    1. Looks like Heart of Dakota has it.
