10th Grade Homeschool Curriculum 2022-2023

10th grade curriculum

My middle son is an introvert who loves the great indoors. When he’s not listening to music, admiring his model car collection, or working on some epic Lego build, he can be found immersed in a story—either one he’s reading or one he’s writing. Naturally, I try to incorporate his love of words into his homeschool day. 

Last year, I used the Brave High School Record Keeping for Homeschoolers pack to lay out a four-year high school plan that will hopefully help prepare him for his future post-high school goals. 

Here's what he'll be learning.

Because we only homeschool 4 days a week, you can assume that all subjects will be completed four times each week unless otherwise indicated.

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10th Grade Homeschool Curriculum 2022-2023

Content-rich Subjects

As always, he'll do all of his content-rich subjects like Morning time/Bible, history, and art with his other siblings. You can see those curriculum choices here>>>

Personal Devotions- every day


  • English 10 from BJU Press 
  • Select books for the MUST READ book list I put together for him.
  • Participate in a teen book club that I lead for him and a few other homeschooled teens. (2x a month)
  • Continue writing the novel he started last year. (a few times each week)
  • No Fear Shakespeare: Hamlet (month-long unit)



  • Biology video lessons from BJU Press


  • Constitutional Literacy- This is a workbook/DVD set that examines our government and some current events through the lens of the Constitution and the original intent of its signers. (2x a week)

Extra-Curricular Subjects

  • Continue with his mechanic apprenticeship a couple of weeknights and/or Saturdays a month. (One of our house rules is that by the time you graduate, no matter what your future college/vocational plans might be, you will have had to learn a trade under a tradesman. Learning a trade will open doors of ministry, side-hustle income, and/or save him money when he can do a job himself instead of hiring it out to someone else.
  • Auto Upkeep (2x a week)

Life Skills

  • Life Skills for the Homeschooler- This is an out-of-print resource compiled by Steve Clark that teaches basic life skills like filling out a renter's agreement, maintaining proper records on a vehicle, paying taxes, etc. Because of its 2000 publication year, some of the information is a bit outdated. I've not found a newer publication that is even slightly comparable, however. (2x a week)
  • Behind-the-Wheel hours- This past summer, he took Driver's Ed through a private organization. According to state law, he has to log a certain number of behind-the-wheel hours with a parent and with his instructor before he can apply for a driver's license.
  • Mow the lawn or shovel the snow as needed with his brothers.
  • Volunteer at the local soup kitchen with the rest of the family. (1x a month)
  • Clean his room and make his bed each day.
  • Daily chores: sweep the stairs and the kitchen, do the dishes twice a week with a younger brother, sort the laundry as needed
  • Weekly Chores for his child-of-the-day privileges and responsibilities: help make lunch/dinner and do two loads of laundry (Tuesdays), rotate with his brothers to mow the lawn and/or shovel the snow as needed
  • Monthly Chores: dust the main floor with his siblings, mop the stairs and the kitchen, mop his room, and randomly select one additional chore from our chore jar one Saturday each month.

Co-operative Learning

Twice a month, he'll attend the homeschool co-op that I lead and participate in two enrichment classes each semester for a total of four for the 2023-2024 school year. In addition, he'll be able to join in on several field trips offered by the group.

His first-semester co-op classes will be as follows:
  • TBD
  • Twin Ports History
His second-semester co-op classes will be as follows:
  • TBD
  • Leadership Through Teamwork

He's the quiet one of the family who prefers to put his head down and work alone. He has aspirations of either being a novelist or a car mechanic someday. I've encouraged him to aim for both! And as you can see, he is.


  1. I'm curious about how the Biology class is going. My 10th grade daughter is taking the same course at her private school and struggling with it. I am not science-minded, so when I tried to help her with some homework the other day, I was blown away by how intense the curriculum is! She's struggling to pass the class. We are going to be homeschooling her for 11th and 12th grade, and now I'm trying to decide if we should stick with BJU or maybe use ABeka instead.

  2. I am curious how you find people to apprentice your kids. Is there a matching program in your area, or are they people you know, or do you seek out professionals in your area?

    1. Great question! I am actually airing a post all about apprenticeships this coming Tuesday.
