
I'm a wife to my "Mr. Right". A momma of five. A maker of slow food and simple living. A collector of memories, a keeper of books, and a champion for books that make memories. An addict who likes my half-and-half with a splash of coffee. A fractured pot transformed by the One Who makes broken things beautiful. I heart homeschooling, brake for libraries, and am glad you're here with me on the journey! Be sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. Or, follow along with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google +, Youtube, or Pinterest.

What We're Reading in May 2019

What We're Reading in May 2019 #homeschool #readingculture #kidlit

With only a few weeks left in our school year, I'd say we are in the home stretch.

And while that realization does have a way of making me stand a little taller and breathe a little deeper, I'm also very well aware of the fact that my May docket also includes the following:

  • Move into a new-to-us forever home
  • Administer the state-mandated achievement tests
  • Fly to South Carolina to speak at the You've Got This, Mom! event
  • Travel to the big city to record the audio version of my book, Homeschool Bravely
  • Prepare for an informational meeting that I'm hosting for a new co-op I'm launching next fall (We moved to a much larger city this past February and were shocked to learn that there are currently no homeschool co-ops in the area. Since necessity is the mother of invention, I've decided to create a co-op to provide some relationship in-roads for my kids.)

Needless to say, I'll have to do my best to scrape together as much concentrated learning time as possible. Thank goodness we have lots of books to help us keep the wheels spinning on this thing!

Reading will definitely do more to move the educational needle than anything else.

So, I've happily stock-piled lots of library books here and there for any moment of downtime.

Here's what we'll be reading this month.

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What We're Reading in May 2019 #homeschool #readingculture #kidlit

Read Aloud- everybody

The Warden and the Wolf King- This is the very last book in the 4-part Wingfeather Saga. It feels like we’ve been reading this series since the beginning of time--but not because it has a bad storyline, but because each book is really long, especially this last one which is so thick it could double as a defense weapon in a pinch. We are two-thirds of the way through it and can’t wait to learn the outcome of the Igiby family as they face Gnag the Nameless in a final showdown.

Jamie- that’s me!

Introverted Mom- I received an advanced copy of this book from my friend Jamie Martin. I'll be honest, I was a little skeptical as to whether or not I'd even glean anything from it since I am not an introvert. However, it has given me a glimpse into the personalities of some of the most important introverts in my life including my husband, three of my children, and my best friend. I have especially enjoyed Jamie's view of introverts in the church and I can't wait to unpack her ideas on an upcoming episode of the Mom to Mom Podcast. The book comes out today! 

Marilla of Green Gables- This fan fiction flashes back in time to fill in the gaps of Marilla's childhood: how her mother's untimely death shaped her character and how the budding romance between her and John Blythe that L.M. Montgomery alluded to in her classic, Anne of Green Gables ended in parted ways. The author does a great job of weaving together the characters of the original series as well as a few key historical events like the abolition of slavery and the clash of rival Canadian political groups.

Sweetie Pea- 10th grade

Blessed Are the Misfits- My daughter loves listening to the Brant & Sherri Oddcast each week. That's actually how she learned about and eventually partnered with CURE International to create care packages for hospitalized children in underprivileged areas of the world. This is the second book of Brant Hansen's that she has read and it's really giving her many things to think about in light of the current American church culture.

Super Boy- 7th grade

Guts & Glory WWII- This is a middle-grade, non-fiction that I picked up at a homeschool conference shopping trip. My son is a walking WWII encyclopedia and knows nearly every angle of the war. He's been enjoying the fun format of this particular title in the Guts & Glory series which includes lots of photos, illustrations, and interesting tidbits about this noteworthy event in history.

Blonde Warrior- 6th grade

The Monster in the Hollows- My son is a re-reader. If he likes a book, he will read, re-read, and re-read it again. Even though we finished this third book in the Wingfeather series a couple months ago, he wanted to read it through all on his own.

Greased Lightning- 4th grade

The Twenty-One Balloons- We read this fantastical tale as a family a few years ago. My daughter still counts it as one of her favorites from her childhood read aloud memories.

On his attempt to fly across the Pacific, Professor Sherman gets stranded on the unbelievable island of Krakatoa. While there, he meets some amazing creatures who have taken up several unusual habits in order to survive.

The Dude- 1st grade

Animals Do the Strangest Things- This is one in a great vintage Step Up series. Each chapter is a short non-fiction recount of an animal and the unique features that set it apart from all other animals. I like this vintage series because of the large print and easy-to-understand text.

That's what we'll be reading to round out our school year? What about you?


  1. Jamie, Where do you usually find decent readers for your youngest? I want to use better readers with my Kindergartner and have some, but the library doesn't carry a lot of the higher quality ones (aka older ones). Do you find most of them just randomly through bookstores and sales?

    1. Yes, I usually find the vintage ones at used book sales or thrift shops.
      Here are two lists that might be helpful for you as you look for quality readers.

      True emergent readers for kids still learning early phonics>>>

      100 Easy but not boring readers>>>

  2. Hi Jamie,
    I am always excited to see what you are reading. My daughter just devoured and finished the Wing Feather Saga. Finding good fantasy is hard, thank you for the recommendation!

    I am super excited to say thank you for introducing us to Brant Hanson. I didn't even know who he was exactly, but then realized, wait a minute, yes I do. I have listen to him on one of our local stations! My husband and I just finished Unoffendable and I couldn't wait to read Misfits, so I listened to it. It was neat to read them both together, they fit together so nicely. We have been rethinking church and what it means to follow Jesus. Brant gave us so much to think about!

    Happy Homeschooling,

    1. If you are rethinking church, might I suggest watching Francis Chan's video about rethinking church? It's quite good.

  3. Your "what we're reading" posts are the best. I had never heard of Brant Hansen before following your blog. As an introverted Christian, his book sounds right up my alley. I love to see what your boys are reading to get ideas for my own boys.

    I am currently reading James Herriot's All Things Bright and Beautiful (a beloved series for me). Our family read aloud is The Sign of the Beaver. My 9 year old is currently reading Edge of Extinction: The Ark Plan, and my 7 year old is reading Ranger in Time.

    1. They're my favorite posts to write!
      We loved The Sign of the Beaver. I'm now encouraging my boys to each read it solo.
