What We're Reading in September 2018

What We're Reading in September 2018

Admittedly, the wheels completely fell off of our reading wagon this past summer. What can I say? We were busy summering. (Summering. Is that a word? My spell check seems to think it's not. But I disagree.)

Now that we've officially launched into a new school year, we're back to our regularly scheduled programs. We've got routine. We've got cadence to our days. So reading is happening. For my kids. For me. For all of us.

We've all been reading. And although I'm sad to say, "farewell" to my seasonal crush named summer, I am excited to get back into books with my kids.

Here's what we'll be reading this month.

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What We're Reading in September 2018 #homeschool

Read aloud- everybody

North! or Be Eaten- Last month, I mentioned how we were plodding through the first book of the Wingfeather series. To be honest, it wasn't for lack of interest on the part of my kids. They loved the book. It was my own personal distaste for the fantasy genre that kept me from turning pages. But, I'm happy to say that the book eventually did hook me and I've agreed to read this second book in the series out loud--something I rarely ever do. (I typically read the first of a series and encourage my kids to read the rest on their own.)

Jamie- that's me!

An American Childhood- Confession time: I'm 38-years-old, have been an avid reader since kindergarten, and have never been a part of a book club. Not once. The truth is, I have a difficult time reading books I've been told to read. Being forced to read a book seems a bit counterintuitive to cultivating a love for books. But this summer after hearing of my desire to expand my circles a bit, a dear friend invited me to join her Well-Read Mom group and I just couldn't say no. Our first meeting is in two weeks and I can't wait.

The group adheres to the reading schedule of the international organization and will be reading this Annie Dillard memoir for the month of September. It details Dillard's growing up years in the idealistic American 50s. Her writing style is filled with similes and imagery, unlike anything I've read before. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet.

Please note: The book does contain some mild language. And also, The Well-Read Mom is a book club designed to cultivate academic and spiritual thoughts from a Catholic perspective. While I am not Catholic, I value the chance to have deep conversations about books and faith with everyone, even those who would disagree with me on some or all points of my beliefs. 

The House Church Book- The Hubs and I have been fellowshipping with a handful of other families in a Rethink Church-style house church for the summer. It has been a welcome balm to us after a season of wrestling and tension. We both feel like this simple model of church is more in line with the examples of New Testament church as found in the book of Acts than the large-scale, corporate churches of suburban America which tend to feel more like country clubs than houses of worship. Lately, I've been reading anything and everything I can about the simple model of doing church. This book is next in line. 

Sweetie Pea- 10th grade

100 Cupboards- This is one of the darkest fantasy books my daughter has read to date. Fortunately, while he did not intend to write a "Christian" book, the author has allowed his Christian worldview to paint very distinct lines between GOOD and EVIL, which is an absolute MUST in all middle grade and YA reads, in my opinion.

Do Hard Things- This is one of the 40+ character-building books I've challenged my daughter to read by the time she graduates high school. 

Super Boy- 7th grade

Oliver Twist- My oldest son and my daughter are in a literature class at our new co-op. They will be reading this Dickens classic throughout the first semester of school and discussing it with other homeschooled teens. Because it contains antiquated language that is sometimes hard to understand, I've allowed my kids to watch the BBC Masterpiece Theatre Oliver Twist series before reading the book in order that they might form a frame of reference for the characters and major plot points. 

Blonde Warrior- 6th grade

The Bronze Bow- This is the first book in the assigned reading list for my son's LLATL Tan book. His two older sibs have read and loved it. It's got such a redemptive story but unlike many spiritually-driven books, it is not preachy or naggy. It is a great example of living literature as it teaches history through story, telling of the persecution of the Jewish people during the Roman occupation at the time of Christ. 

Peter Pan- I'm not the only one who has joined a book club this year. My middle son who is my most ardent reader has enrolled in a homeschool book club. Once-a-week, he will be gathering with other 5th-9th graders at the library to discuss the book-of-the-month. A former homeschool grad has volunteered to lead the group for the sake of her younger brother who is a club member. She has chosen books from a wide variety of genres. Peter Pan is up first.  

Greased Lightning- 4th grade

Wilbur and Orville Wright: Young Fliers- Since my son had already read the first book on the assigned reading list for his LLATL Orange book, I let him skip to the next one. I'm a huge fan of the entire Childhood of Famous Americans series and was pleasantly surprised to find one on his Language Arts reading list. 

Animals You Will Never Forget- As I've mentioned before, my son is a naturalist with a special fascination for animals and weather. His grandparents bought him this vintage animal book for his birthday last month and he has had his nose in it ever since. It is an anthology of sorts, filled with short stories that each recount the real-life adventures of real animals of the 19th and 20th-century. 

The Dude- 1st grade

Basic Phonics Readers- My youngest son is currently making his way through this set of phonics-based basal readers that correspond with his phonics program. They are eye-catching, simple booklets that focus on the specific sounds he learned last year in kindergarten.

The Courage of Sarah Noble- I have been reading this colonial era, historical fiction to my youngest for the past few days. It tells the story of a young girl as she and her father travel to the wilderness of Connecticut to claim land and build a home for themselves and the rest of their family.

That's what we'll be reading in September. What about you and yours?


  1. Here are our reads this month:

    Read-aloud (everyone): The Penderwicks at Last. We have read and enjoyed this entire series together and are sad to be on the last book. We're only two chapters in, but are excited to see how this story ends!

    10th grade daughter: For school she is reading "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court". She is reading "Epic: The Story God is Telling" by John Eldredge for Spiritual Foundations. (this one was recommended to me by a friend who teaches high school literature at a Christian school) For fun she is reading several library books by Beverly Lewis.

    6th grade son: Even though it is below his reading level, he is reading the same one your 4th grader is reading about the Wright Brothers. He's enjoying it. I think the next book I will have him do is "The Phantom Tollbooth". I have a huge stack of books that I have collected for him as possibilities this year. I realized that about half of them are biographies. LOL! I am goign to try to choose a biography as every other book for now. For fun he has chosen to read "Green Ember" - this time on his own (last time was read-aloud).

    Kindergarten boy: He is working through the ABeka grade 1 readers for school. He also is reading every space book his can get his hands on. They are his favorite and his passion!!!

    Side note: We are also home church folks. :) We have been a part of a home church model since 2005 and love it!!! So many benefits to following this model!!!

    1. Woo-hoo! I love hearing about others doing a home church. The more and more I study the New Testament church the more I am convinced that the average American church with a corporate building, budget, and pastoral team is missing the mark.

      The last Penderwicks is on our list to read for the year. We actually need to read the 4th one first, though.

      There is no such thing as a "reading level." Don't let someone else's standard determine what you allow or don't allow your kids to read. Good for you for letting your son read that book. Why shouldn't he? It's a great book.

  2. We started mid-August and have completed “The Golden Goblet.” We’re also reading Genesis & Exodus. And “Gilgamesh the King” & “The True Story of Noah’s Ark.”

  3. Did you finish The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency? If so what did you think of it. It's on my list of possible reads. Thanks!

    1. I did finish it. It was OK. I think I gave it 3 out of 5 stars on GoodReads. Maybe 2 stars, can't remember. I didn't care for the writing style.

  4. I am a mom of 3, my oldest being my only homeschooled kiddo so far (first grade). I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your booklists. They give this newbie-homeschooling momma a great deal of direction. Thank you.

    1. Oh, you don't know how big my smile is right now, Monica! I'm so glad you like these book lists. They are my most favorite posts to write. I'd write them even if no one ever read them. But it's nice to know that other folks are having a look-see and are getting some good title recommendations.

  5. We are reading the Mysterious Benedict Society series together as a family, and everyone is totally into it, even my husband who claims he hates reading ;) Thanks for sharing your list!

    1. I think that one is on one of my son's LLATL lists for the year, so I think I get to hear him read it out loud. Good to know it's a good one! Thanks for sharing.
