1st Grade Curriculum Choices for 2018-2019

1st Grade Curriculum Choices for 2018-2019 #homeschool #curriculum

Since the moment he filled out his Last Day of Homeschool interview page this past May, my little man has been announcing to anyone and everyone who will listen that he's now in the 1st grade. In just three month's time, He's used up his yearly allotment of exclamation points over the news.

Apparently, it's a pretty big deal to officially be in elementary school like all the big kids.

As a general rule of thumb, I don't homeschool with grade levels. So someone else must have planted that tally system in his head.

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Que sera, sera. Whatever helps him start the school year with a smile is fine by me!

Here's what he'll be learning for his core subjects. Since we only homeschool 4 days a week, you can assume that each of these resources will be used four out of five weekdays unless otherwise indicated.

1st Grade Curriculum Choices for 2018-2019 #homeschool #curriculum

Content-rich Subjects

My son will do a lot of his content-rich subjects like Morning timehistory, science, art, etc. with the rest of the family. I won't require any notebooking elements from him during the first half of the year but will encourage him to listen and add to the conversation as he's able. You can see all of those subjects and curriculum choices here>>>

Personal Devotions- everyday

  • The Hear Me Read Bible- This is an emergent reader Bible specifically written for those in Kindergarten through first grade--kids who are just learning basic decoding skills. 

Phonics/Language Arts



Life Skills

  • He will continue to be a child-of-the-day and help me make lunch and dinner once a week. 
  • Set the silverware out on the table for meals. 
  • Move the clean silverware from the dishwasher to the silverware drawer. 
  • Tidy the shoe closet as needed.
  • Empty all the small trash cans into the main kitchen trash can for his older brother to take out each day. 
  • Sort the laundry with his older brother every other day.
  • Put his own clean laundry away each week.
  • Dust the house on big-chore days with his brothers.
  • Help move small pieces of furniture for his sister when she mops the floor on big-chore days.
  • Help clean the boys' room and make his bed each day.

Co-operative Learning

This year, our family has joined a larger co-op that meets twice a month in a neighboring town. (Funny enough, it's the same co-op The Hubs attended as a teen.) My son will be in the 1st-2nd-grade group and will be participating in the following:

  • Physical Education
  • Maps/Basic Geography Skills
  • Nature Study
  • Show-n-Tell

For the first time, my son will actually have his own little class to go to apart from his siblings. It's sure to be an exciting adventure that will hopefully keep a smile plastered to his face all year long!

1st Grade Curriculum Choices for 2018-2019

1 comment:

  1. Do you use the teacher manual for the Reason for Handwriting book?
