Last Day of Homeschool Interview Printable

Last Day of Homeschool Interview Printable #homeschool #homeschooling

The days were long, but the year was short! Can you believe the last day of school is just around the corner? I don't know whether to clap or cry. You too?

I don't need to even look at the growth chart which dangles on the wall in the hallway to know that my kids have grown this year. One peek at their shrinking pant legs or my ever-lengthening grocery bill prove that.

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Last Day of Homeschool Interview Printable #homeschool #homeschooling

They've all gotten taller, to be sure. But they've changed in other ways too--in ways that can't be recorded by a growth chart or a grocery bill. It happened over time when I wasn't looking, but I don't ever want to forget it.

After searching in vain for a last-day-of-school keepsake that would appropriately condense the memories of an entire homeschool year onto one page, I decided to make one of my own. I plan to print it out from year-to-year, add the interview into our last-day-of-school activities, and stash the completed pages into our annual portfolios, in order to one day see a small piece of the slow-and-steady shaping of their childhoods.

Last Day of Homeschool Interview Printable #homeschool #homeschooling

This fill-in-the-blank, interview-style notebooking page is specifically designed for home educated kids. You'll not find silly statements on it like, "My favorite teacher's name is..." (We all know how that sentence ends.) Instead, you'll find memories that matter to homeschoolers like, "My favorite book mom read out loud was..." (Rabbit Hill, of coure.)

Last Day of Homeschool Interview Printable #homeschool #homeschooling

If you'd like to join me in keeping a snapshot of this homeschool year, I invite you to download your very own copy today!

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