Top No-Twaddle Printable Book List for Every Age

Top No-Twaddle Printable Book List for Every Age

"Jamie, got any book suggestions for a third grader? My son is a voracious reader and I just can't keep up with him."

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This is just one example of the emails I receive daily from mommas all around the world looking for something better for their kids besides what the trade show aisles at Walmart and Target are doling out. These mommas see shelf after shelf filled and overflowing with all the usual suspects-- the trendy books like The Day My Butt Went Psycho and The Fantastic Flatulent Fart Brothers Go to the Moon!--and are desperate for book suggestions that will help them cultivate a love for truth, beauty, and goodness in their homes.

If you, like so many other moms, myself included, are sick and tired of all the grossology books that have set up camp both in stores and in libraries, then you are in luck, my friend! I've compiled a complete list of my most favorite books for all ages, from tots to tweens. I hold it out to you and wish you all the best as you seek to build a reading culture in your home.

Top No-Twaddle Printable Book List for Every Age

This is a list you can download for FREE and take with you the next time you're at the library.

While most of these are great read-alouds to enjoy together as a family, some of them are emergent readers and are really only good as read alones. To that end, I've divided these book titles by age level based on the publisher's recommendations and my own personal preference. However, you know your kids and their reading abilities. Feel free to give my age suggestions the big old side-eye and choose your own reading adventures!

These books are the best of the best, in my opinion, anyway. These are no-twaddle titles with well-crafted plots and quality characters. (Sorry, Captain, you can keep your underpants. I don't want them on my list!) You'll not find many modern award-winners here. If you've been a regular reader of The Unlikely Homeschool, you know why I've left those off my lists.

What you will find, however, are books that are good, beautiful, and virtuous--books that will help you cultivate a rich literary pallet in your home. Remember, if you continue to point them to excellence, they will eventually become repelled by the cheap, tawdry offerings of the world. 

So, here's a link to grab my list. I hope you and yours enjoy these books as much as my kids and I have. Happy reading!

Free Printable Book List

Need more book suggestions?

Since you wanted to grab this list, I can only assume that you are either a parent who needs help vetting titles for your voracious reader, a teacher who wants to suggest both clean and captivating books to your students, or a homeschool mom wading through a sea of potential books for your next read aloud and you're just not sure which one to choose. 

I can understand that. At one time or another, I’ve been all three! 

What if you were able to access a handful of titles each month, just like the ones I’ve provided in my No Twaddle list—books that had already been pre-vetted for sexual content, liberal agenda, graphic violence, and explicit language?

What if that list came from someone whose opinion you've already grown to trust?

As a Christian writer, an avid reader, the host of a bi-weekly tween/teen book club, a former children's librarian of a large church library, and a teacher who's spent the past 21 years helping kids discover great books both in and out of the classroom, I'd love to help you put great books in the hands of your kids. 
Head to the Biblio-files to learn how you can get my monthly book lists sent right to your inbox!


  1. Thanks for the list. I like the term "grossology." Very apt for a lot of the garbage kids' books in stores (and even libraries now). The majority of quality children's books I have to order off of the internet.

    1. These popular grossology books are trade-show books that are printed in large quantities. Stores like Target and Walmart will only distribute books that sell quickly. Sadly, these meet the demand of the masses. But our kids deserve better!

  2. I'm always looking for great book suggestions! Thanks for sharing these lists.

  3. Hi Jamie, I love this list (and most everything you share)! I would love to link to it in a blog post I'm writing if you don't mind? my little blog is :)

    Looking forward to the PodCast too!!!


    1. Yes, absolutely. As long as you have the link and don't share the actual printable. That would be great!

  4. My family values your books suggestions! I clicked on the above link and followed the directions several times but did not receive the book list.

    1. Christina, Can you email me at and I'll get that out to you?

  5. Should you only require a few books for school learning, ie: narration or written or oral. and just let them read many other books for free read or fun read?

  6. Should you only require a few books for school learning, ie: narration or written or oral. and just let them read many other books for free read or fun read?

    1. Yep! Reading for fun is how a love of reading is cultivated.

  7. I requested copies of these lists and confirmed my blog subscription, but the reading lists still have not shown up in my email account :(

    1. So sorry about that. Sometimes my email provider has a glitch. Can you email me at and I'll get that to you.

    2. Just so you know, this happened to me too. I'll follow suit and email you directly Jamie, but I figured you should know something has now been consistently off.

  8. Can you send me the printable list of this one? I clicked it and it made me subscribe again lol but I didn't get the list :)

  9. Hi Jamie thanks for all your great ideas and encouragement! I also tried following the steps but never got the download. Is there something else I should try? Thanks!

    1. Please email me at and I'll get it out to you.

  10. This looks like exactly what we’ve been looking for. Thank you! But it seems out of stock?
