
I'm a wife to my "Mr. Right". A momma of five. A maker of slow food and simple living. A collector of memories, a keeper of books, and a champion for books that make memories. An addict who likes my half-and-half with a splash of coffee. A fractured pot transformed by the One Who makes broken things beautiful. I heart homeschooling, brake for libraries, and am glad you're here with me on the journey! Be sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. Or, follow along with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google +, Youtube, or Pinterest.

What We're Reading in September 2017

Book list for September of a homeschooling family of 7

Ahhh...September -- the gentle handshake between summer and fall. 

I love September and it's not just because it's my birth month. September brings change...the start of a new school year, the slow shift from warm to cold, the intentional pace of fall.

In September, we pack away our summertime shenanigans and reclaim a more steady cadence to our days. Our full schedule returns and we hunker down into "normal" once again. In the summer, our books often get tossed aside for park days, picnics, and swim parties at the beach. Living in the near-tundra, we don't get many of those days, so we cling to every outdoor moment that we can.

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But come September, we have a more consistent daily rhythm that includes regular reading times. Here's what we'll be reading.

Read Aloud- everybody

The Cabin Faced West- We just finished the very last chapter of this quick, colonial read. In a surprising twist, the epilogue of what we thought was pure fiction revealed that the book is based on a few true events in the life of the author's great-great grandmother who, along with the rest of her family, welcomed General George Washington into her home for one evening as he passed through that part of the country. 

The Penderwicks at Point Mouette- This is the third installment of the Penderwicks series. And while I don't usually read any sequels aloud to my kids but prefer to encourage each of them to read the rest of a series independently, I've made an exception with the Penderwicks. The first book which introduces the precocious sisters and tells of their summertime, vacation adventures was my kids' most favorite read aloud to date. Without exception, all five of my kids rank it at the very top of their book lists. We read it three years ago, and they still continue to quote the characters and laugh at the inside jokes we created while reading it. We can't wait to crack open book number three tomorrow!

Jamie- that's me!

A Million Little Ways- I don't often think of mundane tasks as art, but this book is helping me to see how God-given creativity can find its way into every aspect of a person's life...into my life. I have something unique to offer to the world that only I can give -- it's what I was created to do.

Prior to this book, I've never read anything by Emily Freeman. So, I had very little expectations at page one. Her writing is surprisingly poetic and has intrigued me enough to begin looking for a few more of her titles.

Sweetie Pea- 9th grade

Don't Waste Your Life- (Mom-assigned book) This is my daughter's first pick from the MUST READ book list I made her for her high school years. While not necessarily written for teens, I think it's a great read for young people and can serve as a charge to them -- a warning about the eternal effects of sleep walking through life. 

Onion John- (Just-for-fun book)

Blonde Warrior- 5th grade

Farmer Boy- (Mom-assigned book) Personally, I think this book should be recommended reading for all boys...and girls too! But as my daughter always says, "Never read it on an empty stomach." Wiser words were never spoken. 

The Case of the Runaway Dog- (Just-for-fun book)

Greased Lightning- 3rd grade

The Story of Dr. Dolittle- (Mom-assigned book) Ever the naturalist and animal advocate, my son is enjoying this classic. It's a great combination of silly and serious, just like him!

Everything You Need to Know About Snakes- (Just-for-fun book) Don't ask me why anyone would voluntarily read a snake encyclopedia! But, he's now on his third read through. 

The Dude- Kindergarten

Ned's Pets- This is the second in a series of vintage school readers that my youngest son has been working his way through since the start of summer. He loves this book because it has a hard cover. It's not just a floppy paper pamphlet like most TRUE emergent readers. It makes him feel like one of the "big boys" each time he sits down to read it out loud to me. And since the text consists mainly of one vowel words, he's able to read with success. Nothing will create an internal desire for reading quite like reading success!

That's what we'll be reading this month. What about you? What will you be reading in September?


  1. Together, we're reading More Perfect Than the Moon.

    My three first graders are finishing up Andi's Pony Trouble, Ducktails, and New Kid in Town (mom-assigned books). I can't keep up with their just-for-fun books these days, but I'm pretty sure someone is reading AG Kirsten series, another one is on her 7th or 8th reading of the AG Addy series, and the third is starting AG Samantha...? That sounds right.

    My two-year-old and I are finishing up Richard Scarry's Best Book Ever. Aside from the daily stacks of picture books, I'm not sure what we'll pull out to read together next. :)

    1. My daughter loved the Andi series and all the AG books when she was little! What great memories. And the Richard Scarry book is a must read in our home for all preschoolers. It sounds like we have a similar taste in books.

    2. Only the best! 😉

  2. I always enjoy taking a sneak peek at what your family is reading.
    Our read-aloud is The Golden Goblet, 13yod is reading Baby Island, 10yob Peter Pan from the Great Illustrated Classics adaptation, the 8yob the Usborne Illustrated Norse Mythology and with my 2yob The Picture Bible for Little People.... love September too and getting back to daily read-aloud!

    1. Baby Island is on our TO READ list. I've never read it, but I've heard good things. Can't wait. It sounds like you've got some good picks for the month. I actually read that same Bible as a child.

    2. Baby Island is so good! I loved it as a little girl!

  3. Sounds like everyone has great books this month! The Penderwicks is on our "to read" list. Is it a good book as a family read aloud for a 7 and 8 year old or should we wait on it?
    This month our family read aloud is The Saturdays by Elizabeth Enright. We are about 4 chapters in and loving it so far. It has great characters, it's funny, and well written.
    My little man is reading any and all of the Encyclopedia Brown books he can get his hands on. He is also reading The Bears on Hemlock Mountain.
    My little lady is reading the first book in The Boxcar Children series.
    I am reading Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers and Teaching From Rest by Sarah Mackenzie. Both of these books are good for the soul. I really am enjoying them both. Teaching From Rest is one I try to read before the beginning of each school year. Great book!

    1. Redeeming Love is one of my most favorite fiction books. Hope you enjoy it. Regarding The Penderwicks, I would wait a few years. I think some of the humor would be lost on a 7 and 8 year old. I've not read The Saturdays because our library system doesn't have it. But, it's been on my TO READ list for awhile. Glad you're enjoying it.

  4. Thank you for your advice regarding The Penderwicks. I'll leave it on my TO READ list and break it out in a few years!
