Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum Choices

Homeschool curriculum picks for Kindergarten-from a mom of 5

I knew this day would arrive. I had hoped it wouldn't come slamming in at Mach 1. But it has, or at least that's how it feels. My baby is starting kindergarten. This summer I packed up all the preschool stuff one last time. There will be no more pre for me.

Every small milestone of his maturity brings a mixture of joy and sadness for this momma. Why do firsts always have to be accompanied by lasts?

But that's the way it is with motherhood. We launch and then let go. We learn to live in the tension of first and last. He's thrilled with all this forward motion, so I guess I can be too.

Here's what he'll be learning this year.
(Items with an asterisk indicate a new-to-us resource. Because we don't homeschool on Tuesdays, all subjects will be completed four times a week unless otherwise indicated.)

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Content-rich Subjects

He will do a lot of his content-rich subjects like Morning timehistory, world geography, science, art, and composer study with the rest of the family only at his own level. I won't require any notebooking elements from him but will encourage him to listen and add to the conversation as he's able. You can see all of those subjects and curriculum choices here>>>

Personal Devotions- every day

  • See With Me Bible- This is a picture-only Bible and has always been my most favorite for non-readers. The illustrations speak volumes and have allowed each of my kids to retell the stories to themselves. In this way, they have all established the habit of setting aside time in the morning with the Lord even before they were ever able to read independently. My son started using this for his "devotions" two years ago and will continue to "read" it until mid-year. 

  • The Hear Me Read Bible- Sometime after the first of the year or whenever his reading gets a bit more fluid, he'll begin reading from this early reader-style Bible designed specifically for kindergarteners and first graders. 


  • ABeka Book Letters & Sounds K5
  • The American Speller- This vintage beauty will be used for reinforcement. Each time my son learns a new digraph or special blend, he'll listen to me read the corresponding section in this speller. Like most classics, it has rich language that will slowly help to move more difficult words from his recessive vocabulary to his expressive one. 


  • Draw Write Now 1**- (1x a week) To be honest, I'm just throwing this one in the mix for variety. After teaching five kids to write using the same program, this momma just wanted to toss in something new. 


Critical Thinking- 1x a week


  • Paint With Water Books**- With five kids spanning from high school to kindergarten, I can't always plan individual art projects at all the age-appropriate levels. While I'm 100% sold on process vs. product art and have never really liked contrived crafts, sometimes I have to shrug my shoulders and acknowledge that I'm just one mom with two hands (last I checked, anyway.) So, I purchased a few cut-n-paste kind of art project books for those days when imperfect progress is better than no progress at all. 

Board/Card Games

The following board games along with a handful of puzzles will be set aside specifically for sibling time. While my son is free to choose whatever he'd like to do with his brothers and sister during that time, sometimes he (and they) need an activity suggestion. Having a few specific games set aside should help put sibling time on autopilot. Fingers crossed. 

Home Ec.

  • He will continue to be a child-of-the-day and help me make lunch and dinner once a week. 
  • Set the silverware out on the table for meals. 
  • Tidy the shoe closet as needed.
  • Empty all the small trash cans into the main kitchen trash can for his older brother to take out each day. 
  • Sort the laundry with his older brothers as needed.
  • Put his own clean laundry away each week.
  • Dust the house on big-chore days with his brothers.
  • Help clean the boys' room and make his bed each day.

Kindergarten, be kind. You and I only have one more year together; and for his sake, I want it to be a good one!

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