Written by Trudie Schar from Learning Little Lessons.
Jealousy. There is no denying it. I was feeling jealous.
Once again, I was in a conversation that started something like this ... "Oh did you hear that Mark and Brenda are moving to plant a small church?”
However this type of conversation starts, it always goes down the same path. Comments like, "God must really have showed them clearly,” or, “Oh wow! That would be hard,” or the famous, "They will be good at that," or, "We will miss them when they go."
Yep. These conversations usually leave me wishing God had clearly called me to some special work. It leaves me wishing people would be able to look at me and acknowledge that I have a hard assignment. I wish I left people with thoughts of, “She will be good at that!” or, “She will be perfect for that mission field!” Rather, I'm left with an empty feeling; a fear of being useless.
Then one day it happened.
I was listening to a homeschool convention replay on one of my walks. The speaker said, “Homeschooling is your mission field.” I can remember where I was standing on the sidewalk. (My neighbors probably wondered about me, stopping right there dead in my tracks.)
Someone just said I was a missionary.
A dream come true.
Someone had just called out the fact that homeschooling is a mission. All those things said about others, the reactions that I overhear with such jealousy, could be spoken again with my name attached.
This felt nice.
“God must really have showed them clearly.”
Being called to homeschool is a big deal. Just as God spoke to missionaries; just as God called missionaries, He has also called us, too. We each have a story. Take a moment and remember your story, remember your calling.
"Oh wow! That would be hard.”
Yes, exactly! Homeschooling.Is.Hard. People who go into the mission field realize it is going to be difficult. They go, knowing there will be difficulties. They go, knowing they need the prayers of others to make it through the hardships that they will face. They go, even though the future is full of unknowns. Same as us. Homeschool moms- we know it is going to be difficult. (Or maybe we did not know at first, but we know now!)
These hard, hard days pile up. The long sleepless nights and the even longer to-do lists the next morning add to the weariness of the day. Homeschooling is hard. Being with children day-in and day-out is tough. Yet this is our mission field. We signed up for this hard work. Just as missionaries trust God through their time in the mission field; so do we.
“They will be good at it!”
Do you ever wish someone would say this? Do you ever wish someone would say, “Wow! You were born to be a homeschool mom. You are so good at this!” Do you ever feel it? Do you feel like you are born to do this? Do you feel like this is a talent of yours? Do you feel like you are good at it? If you’re like me, you don't. Most days it seems like I'm failing. Sometimes it doesn't seem like I'm getting anywhere or seeing any progress. Yet, God is pleased. He sees the little things I do, the little things that no one else notices. He says, “This mom is good at homeschooling. This mom is made to homeschool. She is perfect for the job.” And friend, He says that to you too!
“We will miss them when they go.”
Homeschooling is not a physically far-away type of mission field. It is right here. YET, as homeschool moms, we go away. We have several hours of time each school day away from the old things we used to do; old things as simple as cleaning and cooking; or other things that involve other people- like play groups, MOP meetings, Bible studies, a girl’s day out, or coffee with friends; other things like volunteering or baking for other people. We may feel like we've become distanced from things we used to do; away from the things we loved to do. There may be a large list of things we gave up in order to be in our mission field. Sometimes people get this and say, “We will miss you when you go,” and other times they don't. Nevertheless it still happens; we give up things to be a homeschool missionary.
The mission field is full of unknowns and hard days, but it's also full of great blessings. In the homeschool mission field you will suffer hunger, thirst, lack of sleep, and changing seasons. Sometimes you won't feel safe; your children might resemble monsters or you might be an emotional mess. Sometimes the conditions get quite messy: play-dough, dirt, glitter, and Cheerios surround you. Sometimes you experience challenges with your mission board, your overseer, the other missionary by your side...aka your hubby.
No matter what obstacles you face, the blessings on the mission field are many. You will have great joy that only comes from being in the center of God's will. You touch people lives. You bring the light of Jesus to your little people. You, dear homeschool mom, are a missionary.
And who better to serve? Who better to minister to than to your own family; your husband and your children. This special place God has called you to is your mission field.
Need more encouragement in your mission field?
Be sure to check out these great resources.

She loves to read a good book, sip a yummy hot cocoa, and spend a cozy evening laughing with her family.
She loves to write! Any free-time Trudie has finds her adding words to paper and creating something new for women to read! She loves to learn, and share what she’s learned to help others. Trudie has a passion for women stuck in their faith and a passion for young moms; as she has been in both these desperate places before.
Trudie started a Bible study website called Girls In God’s Word this past year to help busy moms, wives, and women to dig into the Bible! You can find reading plans and resources at www.GirlsinGodsWord.com.
You can find Trudie and the books she’s authored on her blog at LearningLittleLessons.com.
I feel these things and have these thoughts on a regular basis. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteYou're not alone, Beth. You're NOT alone.
DeleteLike Jamie said - you are certainly not alone!
DeleteI have always enjoyed tutoring but it wasn't until we started homeschooling that I found my calling in researching and preparing lesson plans and feel like I'm finally "home."
ReplyDeleteIt's so great when you find your calling!
DeleteFabulous! I've been slowly coming to realize that I'm filling my mission by adopting and homeschooling. Sometimes other missions look so exciting or wonderful, but then God whispers in my ear that I'm doing just what He asked . . . and I am content.
ReplyDeleteAnytime you are in the center of God's will, you are right in the mission field He has for you!
DeleteI'm with you, I can look around and think the grass is greener in other mission fields. YET when we 'water' our grass with thankfulness, our grass gets greener! :) Keep Focusing on that still small whisper of God's Will!
DeleteThank you for sharing this. I have days or times when I worry about not working and providing in better ways for my family financially. I worry about retirement and the very real possibility of working in the years I thought I wouldn't be. I think about the nicer cars we could be driving or the vacations we could be taking if I was working. Don't get me wrong, we are blessed and grateful and our cars run and we have a beautiful modest little ranch home that we are grateful for. Are we in the same position as many of our friends? Nope. It is sacrifice. It is a mission. Yesterday my 8 year old son looked at me and said, "mom you are the best teacher." God did call me to this. Any worries about the future I have had to submit to Him. I believe He will provide in many ways be it in health, ability, or opportunities. I have to believe that. I am grateful for this opportunity and I will do it to the best of my ability as long as He allows. One year at a time.
ReplyDeleteExactly! It is such a sacrifice, isn't it?! The time, finances, vacations... it is sacrificing yet we have so many Blessings because of it!!
DeleteAnd He promises He will provide, He will!