Confession time, y'all. July came and went and with it a whole lot of Jamie-spoiling. I mean A LOT.
Let me back up a titch and explain. Summer is garage sale season. It's kind of like Santa's workshop for a picker. Since The Hubs moonlights as a picker, he's been a bit starry eyed these last few months.
He's a picker who loves giving gifts. I'm a vintage book addict who loves receiving gifts. So, one quick peek at my Instagram account shows my vintage collection growing...and growing...and growing.
He'll be painting more bookshelves for the library this week. Because, as I said, I'm just a wee bit spoiled. I guess it's fair to say, we're surrounded by good books. And so we're reading.
Here's what has captured our attention this month.
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Read aloud- everybody
Number the Stars- I wasn't sure how my younger kids would handle the heavy themes in this WWII historical fiction. But, the story is so wonderfully written and has fostered some rich conversation about our own Jewish ancestry.

Jamie- that's me!
Money-Making Mom- This past year, my little space on the web has grown. I am increasingly aware of my need to hire help. And so with some sound business advice from this book and others, I've branched out. You will be seeing a few new faces around these parts. I can't wait to introduce them to you!
God's World Teen Magazine- Whether it's because of all the political hubub she's heard recently or just her natural curiosity, my daughter has been fascinated by current events lately. While I want my kids to know what is happening around them and while I want to be able to discuss all the big things of the world, I want to do so on my terms. I want to filter out all the liberal media agenda. I want to add in the Truth of God's Word. So, I bought her a subscription to the teen version of the God's World News Group a couple of years ago. She's always enjoyed it. But lately, she's been reading both the new and the old editions whenever she can get her hands on them.
Halls of Fame (My Book House, volume 12)- After looking for some information on the life of famed Olympic runner, Jesse Owens, in the biographical volume of our beautiful set of My Book House books, she stumbled upon the stories of so many others and just kept reading. She became fascinated with the real life tales of heroism, adventure, and discovery.
Super Boy- 5th grade
George Rogers Clark- (Mom-assigned book) I'm a super fan of the old Discovery Book series. It is one of my most favorite historical living book series for middle grade reading...mostly because it seems to appeal to young boys.
Blonde Warrior- 4th grade
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood- (Mom-assigned book) He read this book to himself last month and loved it so much that he asked if we could read it together for his reading time. How could I refuse?!
The Jungle Book- (Just-for-fun book) We have several titles in the Great Illustrated Classics series. After enjoying The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood so much, he's decided to read through a few others.

Greased Lightning- 2nd grade
Red Fox and His Canoe- (Mom-assigned book) While this one is a bit below his reading level, I've gathered it with a few other early readers to launch him into the school year with sweet success.
Freshwater Fishing for Kids- (Just-for-fun book)
So, that's what we'll be reading as we head towards the new school year. And you?
We finished up reading "The Secret Garden" and now we are reading "Mr. Popper's Penguins" as our nightly read-a-loud. I love your library room! I would love to turn our attic into a reading room someday!
ReplyDeleteWe loved Mr. Popper's Penguins! We enjoyed The Secret Garden on audio during a family trip. The narrator was from the UK and rocked all the characters' voices.
DeleteI can still remember my 5th grade teacher reading Number the Stars aloud. That was the first book I LOVED! ��