Top 12 Podcasts for Christian Homeschooling Moms

Top 12 Podcasts for Christian Homeschooling Moms

Mothering is not necessarily a profession. Neither is homeschooling, for that matter. But, they are both full-time jobs which can be lived out professionally.

I hold both of these callings in my life to a high standard. Just as I found ways to continue my education back in my classroom days, I'm constantly on the lookout for ways to further my growth as a homeschooling mother. I've found numerous parenting books, blogs, and real-life mentors that point me straight, keep my feet moving, and bolster my quiet resolve to do all this well.

But, time is no respecter of persons. I've been allotted the same 24 hours as every mom. It's not always easy to squeeze personal growth into the already full day of a work-at-home-homeschooling mother

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Two years ago, however, when I was a guest on the Homeschool Snapshots Podcast, my eyes were opened to the possibility of NO-EFFORT momma-learning. 

Podcasts have now become one of my GO TO resources for new ideas, fresh perspective, and encouragement in the trenches.

Every morning, after I seat all my little sleepy-eyed cherubs around the breakfast table, I squeeze all my jiggly parts into some spandex, find a HIT workout on youtube, and turn on an episode of one of my favorite podcasts. I listen and learn while I exercise. I'm a hot mess of sweat and flapping skin. But as my outer parts are shrinking, I'm trusting that my inner parts are growing.

Here they are in no particular current podcast favorites for motherhood and homeschooling. 

Top 12 Podcasts for Christian Homeschooling Moms

Pardon my shameless plug, but if you enjoy reading about motherhood and homeschooling here on The Unlikely Homeschool, perhaps you'd like to listen to similar thoughts on my podcast. I've linked arms with Kate Battistelli (mom to Christian recording artist Francesca Battistelli, Mimi to four little cuties, and author of Growing Great Kids) and September McCarthy (mom of ten, grandma and foster grandma to several, and author of {Why} Motherhood Matters). We're three generations of women who have gathered around the table to talk motherhood--every season in between and beyond.

Read Aloud Revival

Host Sarah MacKenzie, the lovely author of homeschool momma must-read Teaching from Rest, has built an amazing community of children's book authors, veteran homeschool moms, and literary enthusiasts that encourage parents to build a family culture around books. 

Homeschool Snapshots

Have you ever wanted to be a fly on the wall of another homeschooling home? To see how the day runs? To link arms in solidarity? Pam Barnhill gives you a peek into the lives of everyday homeschoolers just like you. From mommas of large families to mommas of only children, from moms with special-needs kids to moms with gifted learners...there's an episode to encourage everyone.

Your Morning Basket

I've been gathering my kids together for morning basket time for years. But up until recently, I had no idea that it was actually a THING. Other mommas also center their days on truth, beauty, and virtue. This is an entire podcast dedicated to starting your day with the things that matter most.

At Home

This hipster-inspired take on mothering and homeschooling reminds me of one of those morning talk shows where a handful of women sit around a table drinking coffee and discussing current events...only without all the caddy name-calling and references to celebrities. To be honest, I love this podcast and have a bit of an Instagram crush on the accounts of all six hosts. I have to constantly remind myself that homeschooling always looks more magical through photo filters.

Schole Sisters

What do you get when you combine classical education methods, the teachings of Charlotte Mason, and three friends who have the heart to encourage homeschooling moms to teach with leisure (schole)? This podcast.

At Home With Sally Clarkson

Ever since I read Sally's latest book, The Life-Giving Home, I have not been able to shake the importance of peaceful mothering...mothering with a mission...mothering with calm confidence. When I listen to her podcast, I feel like I'm sipping tea with a favorite mentor. All that's missing is the reassuring nods and gentle pats on the shoulder. 

The Mason Jar

I don't have the time or space in my day to skim through all six volumes of the Charlotte Mason education series whenever I have a pressing question or concern. But now I don't have to. The Mason Jar is an entire podcast dedicated to putting a current spin on a Mason-inspired education.

Brave Writer

While brushing up on my creative writing chops for the upcoming class I'm teaching at our co-op, I've become a Brave Writer junkie. The creator and owner of the podcast and curriculum is a veteran homeschooling mom of five who has learned not to take life...or homeschooling...too seriously. She has a quirky personality and an infectious laugh. After perusing through her old podcast episodes, I kind of got a little addicted to listening to the audio-only replays of her Periscope and Facebook Live episodes. 

The Busy Mom

This hodge-podge podcast from veteran homeschool mom, Heidi St. John, is kind of like a sermon just for women. Heidi tackles all kinds of topics through a lens of faith. The episodes are short and remind me of a weekly radio show.

Inspired to Action

Consider this podcast a pep-talk for professional mothering...a reminder that your job matters! It is a call to action...a call to find meaning and method in the everyday madness. Host Kat Lee always seems to cull the best-of-the-best in guests from around the world, and her words her blog title implies...inspiring. 

The God-Centered Mom

Young mom, Heather MacFadyen, invites you to join her in the quest to replace "me" with "He" as she chats with guests from all walks of mothering. Throughout each episode, she slowly reveals her own in-process story of motherhood.

In an ideal world, I could sit down with homeschooling and mothering greats like Susan Wise Bauer and Sally Clarkson. I could pull up my chair, grab them by the shoulders, and pepper them with questions. But, I can't. So, I do the next best thing. I tune in. I make time for Podcasts. 

Got any podcasts to add to my list? What have you been listening to?

For more ideas for learning as a stay at home mom, be sure to head to iHomeschool Network


  1. I would maybe add Heidi St John's podcast called The Busy Mom, she always has great, pertinent stuff to say!

    1. Yes, that is a good one. I'll add it to the list.

  2. I just stumbled upon The Homeschool Sisters, and it was perfect. Their first episode was called 'We're out of bread', and I laughed and cried, and then made my best friend listen to it too.

    1. I just looked this one up. It's relatively new, but it looks good. Thanks for the suggestion!

  3. A Delectable Education

  4. Risen Motherhood

  5. I can't wait to listen to these!!!!

  6. I have been so encouraged by your blog! I am a home school mom of six...similar ages of your kiddos. thanks so much for the podcast recommendations! I can't wait to start on some of those! also for the tip to sneak in exercise at the same time great idea!

    1. Thank you, Kristyn. That's so kind. Happy listening (and exercising!)

  7. I'm partial to The End in Mind podcast at :)

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks for the suggestions, Lori. I'm adding them to the list.

  9. Focus on the family is great
    I'm just discovering Power of Moms radio and like it so far

  10. I love Power of Moms radio.

  11. Thanks so much for mentioning us and for listening!!
    -At Home

    1. You're welcome, Bre. Love your podcast. I'm glad to send you some new listeners!

  12. Kara and I are so thankful for the mention. Happy listening to all!

  13. I love A Happy Home Podcast: Christian Homemaking Homeschooling Homesteading by Keri Mae Lamar. While she doesn't add a new episode too often (every few months) she shares such wisdom in such a calm way and offers such great perspective. She lives what she teaches which is why she's not podcasting all the time...she's living life with her family! :)

  14. Check out - "Truth.Love.Parent. and your host, AMBrewster explore how the Bible’s Truth can lovingly be applied to your parenting – regardless of the size of your family or the age of your children. Each episode is filled with Scripture and practical application with a large dose of insightful Brewsterisms!"

  15. There are a ton of homeschool podcasts over at the Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network! Lots of explore! -- that is where Homeschooling IRL is podcasting.

  16. Legacy Homeschool Reflections is great too, but I am a bit biased since its my wife's podcast.

  17. I think The Cultured Bumpkin would be a great add. It’s a Classic American literature podcast. The host gives a little info on the author or piece of lit and then reads it.
