What We're Reading in June 2016

School's out for summer! 
I'm not sure who's more excited about that...the kids or me. To be honest, as a born-and-raised-in-the-southern-sun girl transplanted to the cold tundra-like weather of the upper midwest, I have a bit of a school girl crush on summer. I wait for it with bated breath. The arrival of sun puts a perma-grin on my face that doesn't fade until around mid-September. 

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Summer sun also brings plenty of opportunities for solitude with a good book. I've officially commandeered my sons' 20 foot fort...hammock and all...and have declared it my secret reading lair. 

(As we've officially turned the page on the 2015-2016 school year, I have updated the grade levels of each of my kids in the following list.)

Here's what we'll be reading this month...

Read aloud- everybody

The Jungle Book- We are over halfway done with this Kipling classic. The writing style has taken some getting used to, but makes for a good daily vocabulary lesson. We have enjoyed comparing and contrasting the book to Disney's animated version of the story. (The two are NOTHING alike!)

Jamie- that's me!

I, Saul- At the recommendation of a lovely blog reader, I picked this one up a few days ago. Admittedly, I am not a huge fan of adult fiction, but thought I'd kick off the summer with something light. The book began a tad on the slow slide, but is beginning to pick up speed. I am over half-way done and am not entirely sure if I will ever read the sequel. It's a finely written book, I'm sure. It just not one that has grabbed ME. 

Sweetie Pea- 8th grade

The Yearling- (Mom-assigned book) I have never read this book, but took a gamble and added it to my daughter's Middle School MUST READ list. It has been soooo highly recommended by many that I trust and has been touted as "one of the best books ever" by a great number of fine literary folks. We shall see...

The Fellowship of the Ring- (Just-for-fun book)

Super Boy- 5th grade

Viking Adventure- (Mom-assigned book) I am a huge fan of most of Bulla's books. They are draped in beautiful language, filled with brave male protagonists, and are a hit with most boys.


Who Was Franklin Roosevelt- (Just-for-fun book)

Blonde Warrior- 3rd grade

Homer Price- (Mom-assigned book) I read this one out loud to my kids several years ago, but my middle son was only a tot at the time and doesn't remember it. I thought it was time to introduce him to Homer and all his misadventures. So far, he's loving it!

The Boxcar Children: Surprise Island- (Just-for-fun book) A month or so ago, he read book #1 in the series and had high hopes of moving on to #2. Sadly, that was one that we didn't own and the library's copy was checked out. What was a mother to do? I tediously called and searched through all the bookstores in our surrounding area and finally found this ONE copy of the second book sitting on a shelf in a little used book shop here in Mayberry. I bought it...just in time for my son's 8th birthday. 

Greased Lightning- 2nd grade

Abe Lincoln's Hat- (Mom-assigned book) President Lincoln was known to stash notes and important papers in the lining of his hat for safe keeping. I got to see the VERY hat a few weeks ago on a whirlwind trip to Washington D.C. I came back with pictures and stories that captivated all my children...especially Greased Lightning. So, it made perfect sense to have him read this lovely beginner biography of Lincoln.

Deputy Dan Gets His Man- (Just-for-fun book) 

And that's what we'll be reading while swinging in the hammock. And you? What's on your June book list?


  1. Thanks for the suggestions Jamie, I've got jungle book and your right, nothing like Disney's version. It was a mistake when I bought, but its really a great book.

  2. What an awesome list of books. We loved Homer Price a few years ago.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. I always love reading your reading list. My two readers are finishing up the Sarah, Plain and Tall series pretty soon. The first and second books were my favorite, but I'm glad I was able to read the books with them and discuss important topics together that the books brought up. We will start on Anne of Green Gables together soon. As we do that, they will work on their "Color the Classics: Anne of Green Gables - A Coloring Book." We love the movie, so I'm hoping we will love the book just as much. K

    1. Sarah, Plain and Tall is my faaaaaaaavorite middle grade fiction! I read Anne of GG in high school. The movie sticks very closely to the book, if memory serves. I just watched movie again with all my children. Even my boys enjoyed it.

  4. Thanks for the great suggestions! I have "Homer Price" on our 4th-grader's assigned-reading list for next month. Also, I was never that fond of "The Yearling" - maybe it's more of a boy thing??? Or maybe I just completely missed the awesomeness??

    I'm reading "Little Women" (SO much better than the film), "Elements of Style," and "Evolution's Achilles Heels." The 4th grader is reading "Encyclopedia Brown," "The Light at Tern Rock," and "Dolphin Adventure." Together, we're reading "The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh," "Prudence and the Millers," and the Gladys Alward book from Christian Heroes Then and Now. With the 4th-grader I'm reading aloud from "Pollyanna" and "And Then There Were Five" (Enright). After those, we'll be moving on to "The Wind and the Willows" (one of my favorites!) and "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (NOT one of my favorites - I may lose my stomach for it before we get there). :)

    Thanks for sharing! Love your blog!

    1. Oh so many great titles! I remember really liking Dolphin Adventure and there's just something magical about anything Winnie the Pooh. We just finished that same Gladys Alward book two weeks ago and absolutely loved it! It was hard to only read one chapter at a time for our morning time.

  5. We just started our first Boxcar Children story! Little Man is really enjoying it! I totally stole your "mom-assigned" and "just-for-fun" idea. I was using our curriculum novels as the mom-assigned, but I think I'm going to use those for our read-aloud time (they're a little too high for him to read alone) and then have him keep two other books going. Thanks!

    1. Now I'm curious to know what curriculum you're using.

  6. We primarily use Easy Peasy. I add quite a bit to it, especially in the reading and writing courses. She uses excellent literature selections (Danny Meadow Mouse, Bobbsey Twins, etc). My son is a really good reader, but these are still a bit too high for independent reading. They're excellent for read alouds though, and for conversation about the stories.

  7. We read Viking Adventure last year for history and we loved it so much!! Great pick!
    Thanks for sharing your lists. I am new to your blog and I am learning about some great titles here, among other things!
    I first watched a video on YouTube and then came here. I am inspired. Thank you!

    1. So glad you stumbled upon my blog. Thanks for the rave reviews about Viking Adventure. Bulla books are great!

  8. You may want to preread The Yearling; I had my son read it due to so many great reviews, but I was unprepared for the beyond heart-wrenching ending. I, personally, would not recommend it.
