What We're Reading in April 2016

What We're Reading in April 2016-lots of links to great books for homeschool

Last night, I got to introduce my kids to one of my childhood favorites, Disney's Mary Poppins. We finished the book last week and decided it might be fun to see Ms. Poppins in full technicolor. As usual, the movie was not very much like the book. But my kids, having just read all about the many mis-adventures of Jane, Michael, and the twins, actually noticed so many nuances of Disney's version that I had never caught before in the last three decades of watching.

Our family reading culture gave them a frame of reference for and a vested interested in the characters even before they met the Banks on the big screen.

That's what a good book does.

Here's what we'll be enjoying this month.

(This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for full details.)

Read Aloud- for the four oldest

Rascal- This was one of The Hubs' favorite books from childhood. And not surprising, when I opened it up to read a few pages during lunch the other day, one of his memories fell out of it. Books connect generations. 

Read Aloud- for the two youngest

Pleasant Fieldmouse- I haven't yet started reading this one, as I just wrapped up The Little Fellow with my two little fellows. But since my youngest flipped through it and declared with a huge smile, "Momma, it looks just like 'Wittle Baaa-er'!" (Little Bear, his absolute favorite read aloud), I'm sure it will be a huge hit.

What We're Reading in April 2016

Jamie- that's me!

The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published- I'm strewing some words together. And this time, I'm not putting them here. Nope. I've got non-bloggy plans for the story I want to share. I'm writing and reading. It's a win-win!

Sweetie Pea- 7th grade

Johnny Tremain- (Mom-assigned book) This is just one of the many books on her Middle School Must-Read list

The Door Within- (Just-for-fun book) My daughter has always been a fantasy SUPER FAN. As I've mentioned before, it's sometimes difficult to find fantasy titles that meet our Philippians 4 standards. (In case you, too, are having trouble finding books to fit THAT bill, here are 30+ titles for Christian Narnia fans.) This book is a Christian allegory and is the first in a trilogy of adventures. 

Super Boy- 4th grade

Prince Caspian- (Mom-assigned book) Normally, I assign his monthly Mom-assigned book. Makes sense, right? But when my son handed me the second book in the Narnia series, gave me a pleading look, and started reading with gusto. How could I refuse?! And why would I want to?

The Story of the USS Arizona- (Just-for-fun book) The Cornerstone of Freedom series is his current favorite reading list. This is the very last one we own. But, I've promised to start requesting them from the public library for him. He's determined to read all 62(?) of them.  

Blonde Warrior- 3rd grade

The Toothpaste Millionaire- (Mom-assigned book) We read this book together several years ago for our co-op book club. But since my son was only three or four at the time, he doesn't really remember it. It's such a fun read filled with determination, entrepreneurship, and unlikely friendships.

Muscle Car Dream Garages- (Just-for-fun book) When I got this gigantic coffee table book for my middle son because he is currently fascinated by all-things-muscle-cars, I expected him to just flip through the glossy photos. Nope. He decided to read it cover-to-cover. 

What We're Reading in April 2016

Greased Lightning- 1st grade

Red Tag Comes Back- (Mom-assigned book) I was fortunate to be able to find a handful of vintage Science I Can Read Books at our local library book sale last month. My little naturalist can not stop reading them, and drawing them, and talking about them, and sharing them, and...

What We're Reading in April 2016

The Sneaky Snow Fox- (Just-for-fun book)

That's what we are reading this month? 
How about you?


  1. Hi Jamie,

    Since you mentioned the Mary Poppins movie and had posted about VidAngel not long ago, it reminded me that I had a question. Do they have older movies that can be "cleaned up?" We are currently reading Sarah, Plain and Tall and I would love to show my kids the movie, but there are some scenes that I would like to skip. Also, can it also clean up movies you already own on DVD? Thanks!


    1. Sadly, you can only clean movies that they feature on their site. While they do have a whole host of old titles, they don't have ALL of them. It's similar to Red Box in that they feature new releases and rotate old favorites.

  2. What did you like about the book, Mary Poppins? I found her cold and uncaring. While she took the children to magical places, my imagination was not stirred. I was extremely disappointed. So I'm curious what you liked. Thanks.

    1. Yes. I felt the very same way about Mary Poppins and her cold, uncaring ways. We mostly enjoyed the book because of Jane and Michael and the British humor.

      There are certainly British books we've enjoyed more like Winnie the Pooh and Paddington Bear. But, Mary Poppins was charming for nostalgic reasons.
