My Favorite Books for Personal {Momma} Reading

My Favorite Books for Personal {Momma} Reading-lots of titles for different topics and seasons of life

Several weeks ago while playing a mixer game at a women's retreat, I was asked this very weighted question...
"What is your favorite book of all time?"


How in the world can one whittle a life-time of great books down to just one?

Every time I open a book, I'm changed. The words shape me...for better or worse. That's what words do. They seep into my character. The worm their way into my worldview.

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Even fiction books have the power to influence my opinions and widen my world. An evil character in a story reveals clearly the nature of sin. On the flip side, a hero or heroine shows the redemptive nature of God.

To confine my "favorite" to just one title is too great a task.
I have many favorites...several in each category of living or season of life. My list is always evolving. Ebbing and flowing.

But, if we passed each other on the street and you asked me to name a few of my CURRENT faves, I'd start with these...

My favorite books for personal reading

ESV Study Bible
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell
For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
Honey for a Child's Heart by Gladys Hunt
Feminine Appeal by Carolyn Mahaney
A Mother's Prayers for Her Children by Nancy Ann Yaeger
Healthy at Home: Get Well and Stay Well Without Perscriptions by Tieraona Low Dog M.D.
Six Ways to Keep the "Little" in Your Girl by Dannah Gresh
Mark of the Lion trilogy by Francine Rivers
Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker
Effective Parenting in a Defective World by Chip Ingam
Grace-Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel
Sister Wendy's Story of Painting by Sister Wendy Beckett

Other book lists and links for mommas

Top 10 Favorite Parenting Books
Top 15 Books that Helped Shape Me in 2014
The 10 Best Books I Read in 2015
My Most Favorite Children's Books {Thoughts from a Book Snob}

What books would you add to the list? Be sure to join me on GoodReads for more great book suggestions!


  1. Thank you.......I really appreciate all your book lists! God Bless!

  2. Hi Jamie,

    One of my favorite mommy books is, "Loving the little years" by Rachel Jankovic

    That's a really interesting choice, "Sister Wendy's Story of Painting by Sister Wendy Beckett" what is it about this book that makes it stand out to you over other art history books?

  3. Thank you. I look forward to reading many of these books on your list. I am always looking for great books to add to my list of books to read. With four children, I find that I have little time to read so I have to be "choosy" with the books I read. These sound like great books! Thanks. Just finished reading a great book, although I can't remember the name of the author but it is called Parenting is Heart Work. It is a very easy and fast read that I would recommend to others.

    1. The book is written by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller.

    2. The book is written by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller.
