What We're Reading in November 2015

What We're Reading in November-lots of great book suggestions for Christian Homeschool families

It's true what they say, "If you build it, they will come." 

Since the "opening" of our home children's library last month, my children have been busy reading lots of great books. Although I know that the novelty will eventually wear off, I'm enjoying the burst of enthusiasm. 

My children have all spent many hours sprawled about on pillows and cuddled up under blankets with their noses in the following books...

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Read Aloud- Everybody

My Side of the Mountain- We're halfway through with this coming-of-age wilderness story. While my daughter is not loving this one, most of my boys are. It definitely appeals to their sense of adventure and deep rooted need to conquer the land. 

Read aloud- Just the two youngest

Eagle Feather- For the past month, while the oldest kids have been wrapping up their after-lunch chores, I've been pulling the two youngest kids aside to read a very easy chapter book just to them. They don't always understand the entire story of the family read aloud, so this provides them with some age-appropriate stories each day. I've still been reading two picture books to everyone just before our regular family read aloud, but I want to start training their six and three year-old little ears to be able to listen to longer passages and a continuing storyline. I look forward to revisiting some of the early chapter books that I enjoyed reading to my older ones several years ago.

Jamie- that's me!

Project-Based Homeschooling: Mentoring Self-Directed Learners- To be honest, I'm not quite sure what to think of this book. While I think some of the author's points are interesting, I think the majority of her suggestions really only apply to really young kids...like second grade and below. By purposeful choice, I am not an unschooler. But, I strew many learning opportunities and project-based discoveries throughout our days. So, I was really hoping to love this book. I'm nearly finished and am turning the final pages with mixed opinions. 

The Reading Promise: My Father and the Books We Shared- When I am finished with Project-Based Homeschooling, this one is next on the docket. It is the personal memoir of a woman whose father made a promise to read to her every night when she was a little girl. He kept that promise and read to her for at least a little bit until the day she left for college. She shares how those years of reading books together helped shape her life.

Sweetie Pea- 7th grade

Spilling Ink- (Mom-assigned book) My daughter has aspirations to be a writer someday and has really been inspired by the suggestions and encouragement in this book. 

The Black Star of Kingston- (Just-for-fun book) This prequel to The Green Ember, a book we read aloud a couple of months ago, is currently free to download on Kindle. I snagged it for our iPad using the Kindle app. She's been devouring it ever since. 

Super Boy- 4th grade

Phoebe the Spy- (Mom-assigned book) He finished up a longer novel and was in need of something short to carry him through until a book that I had ordered for him came in the mail. So, I handed him this family favorite. It's a short but captivating look at a real event from colonial America.

Run for Your Life!- (Mom-assigned book) My WWII loving boy can't wait to crack this one open tomorrow.

Thomas Edison- (Just-for-fun book) After watching Newton: A Tale of Two Isaacs, a fictional film based on the life of Isaac Newton, my son has been a wee bit obsessed with all-things-scientists. I helped him request a stack of easy biographies of all of his favorites including this one. 

Blonde Warrior- 3rd grade

Brave the Wild Trail- (Mom-assigned book) I'm not exactly sure why the updated cover of this older book looks so scary. It's really an innocent story filled with the wild west adventures of a boy and his family.

Jigsaw Jones and the Case of Bicycle Bandit- (Just-for-fun book) My son recently discovered his sisters old stash of Jigsaw Jones books that friends had gifted her. He just can't seem to get enough of them. 

Greased Lightning- Kindergarten

ABeka Enrichment Library Readers- (Mom-Assigned books) This is a set of graduated readers that go along with the phonics program that we use. 

Road Race- (Just-for-fun book)

So, that's what we're reading this month. And you?


  1. The Reading Promise is good. I bet you will enjoy it.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. As a family, we just finished Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett. We loved it. We watched the 1936 movie first which really helped us track with the story. Both the book and the movie are a treasure.

    1. I've not read that one, but I remember owning the movie when I was little. I'll have to tuck that title away for "someday." Thanks!

  3. I have really enjoyed pulling my own books and units together for science and history this past year. I have not actually read any books about interest guided learning, or unit studies for homeschooling. Have you read any of those type of books that you would suggest as you said the one you are reading now you have mixed opinions on. We are finishing up as a family read aloud: The Mystery of the Roman Ransom. Next we will start "The Way of the Wilderking" and then after that we will read Timna.

    1. We love the Wilderking series! We read Detectives in Togas, but never got around to the Roman Ransom. I'll have to try and look for that one at our library.

      Regarding the interest led learning...most of what I have come across has all been through different blogs I enjoy. But, I did really like A Thomas Jefferson Education Home Companion.

    2. My kids are loving the Roman Ransom, but I myself exclude certain words/phrases so I like it for a read aloud for that reason :)

    3. Yes. I remember having to do that with Detectives in Togas.

  4. Hello, Jamie! I am really looking forward to seeing what you're reading to your two youngest over the next several months. I am trying to get into more easy chapter books for my almost-4-year-old son. He liked The Bears on Hemlock Mountain, Chocolate Touch, as well as Mercy Watson books and Nate the Great. I struggle finding chapter books for him as he's not quite ready for much that are more involved than those. I'd love to know if you have a list you are pulling from for your youngest. Thank you!

    1. I don't have a written list necessarily. I mostly just go off of memory of book my older kids enjoyed reading together at that age. Some of the titles include the following...
      The Bear's of Hemlock Mountain
      My Father's Dragon (three part trilogy-it's not mystical at all even thought it's about a dragon)
      Dolphin Adventures
      Five True Dog Stories
      Mice of the Herring Bone (This one has pirate dialogue-nothing inappropriate. I only mention it because some kids find it tricky to read words that aren't REAL words.)
      Phoebe the Spy
      Mrs. Piggle Wiggle (I only really care for the first in the series.)
      Stone Fox

    2. This is an excellent jumping off point for us. Thank you so much!
