What We're Reading in October 2015

October means pumpkins.

Around here, pumpkins mean a batch of pumpkin-and-butterscotch muffins fresh from the oven.

Pumpkin-butterscotch muffins mean hot cocoa.

And hot cocoa?

Well, who can drink hot cocoa without also wanting to curl up with a good book? And that's just what we're doing.

Here's what we're reading.

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Read Aloud- Everybody

Understood Betsy- This is a rather old book from the early 20th century. But in recent years, it has made a resurgence in popularity. Don't let the rather drab cover fool you. The witty dialogue and humorous look at a coddled, spoiled girl's growth towards self-reliance and charity make this a timeless book for girls AND boys. 

Jamie- that's me!

The Backyard Homestead- My backyard garden was anemic this year, y'all. A-ne-mic! I'm determined to make it better next year. So, I'm starting now!

Sweetie Pea- 7th grade

Spilling Ink: A Young Writer's Handbook- She wants to be a journalist someday, so I've penciled in a few HOW TO books that will help propel her in that direction. She's hit PAUSE on her Middle School MUST READS list and is currently tackling this writer's handbook.

Super Boy- 4th grade

No Room for a Dog- (Mom-assigned book) This Leave-it-to-Beaver-esque story is a short, easy read about a boy's desire to own a dog of his own. 

Special Forces- (Just-for-fun book) This has been on my son's list a few times before, but he continues to want to read and re-read it every chance he gets. 

Blonde Warrior- 3rd grade

All Alone- (Mom-assigned book) In a culture marked by entitlement, books that vivedly paint the hard lives of children throughout history and around the globe are wonderful additions to any American family's home library. This award-winning classic tells of the dilemma a ten-year-old French boy faces when he is sent to the Alps all alone to tend his family's small herd of cattle for the summer.

Baby Wolf- (Just-for-fun reader) Since visiting an ecology exhibit at a nature center last month which featured many large animal mounts including a grey wolf, my son has been absolutely fascinated with wolves. He's plundered the wolf section at the library and has cleared them out of nearly every fiction and nonfiction book with "wolf" in the title.

Greased Lightning- 1st grade

Fun with Pets- (Mom-assigned book) He's at the very end of this ABeka Reader. He will, then. start the next one in the series.

That's it. That's what we're reading. Muffins in one hand, books in the other. And you?


  1. We LOVE Understood Betsy. I'm almost done reading a biography of Dorothy Canfield Fisher entitled "Pebble in a Pond." You'd probably enjoy it. It's written by Elizabeth Yates who wrote "Amos Fortune."

    1. Amos Fortune is a great book, so I'm sure that one is too. I'll have to look into it.

      So far, my kids are really liking Understood Betsy...even my boys.

  2. Pumpkin and butterscotch muffins. I've never heard of that combo. Sounds delish!! Care to share the recipe? I think I'm craving that now!!

    1. It kind of came about completely by accident. A couple of years ago, I was making this recipe and realized I didn't have any cream cheese, so I decided to toss in some chocolate chips instead. But, when I went to pour in the chips, I realized they were butterscotch. Not wanting to waste the entire batch, I just decided to go with it and see if anyone would eat them. All my kids loved them. I'm not a huge fan, but it's one of their favorite muffins. Go figure.

    2. That sounds like just what I would do too! Thanks for the link😀
