First week of school successfully completed?....Check!
Big stack of books borrowed from the library to keep us company this month?...Check!
Laundry pile folded and properly put away?...Well, that's just the elusive, spotted unicorn that we've all heard about but have never actually seen. Back to books...
Here's what we'll be reading as we launch deep into 2015-2016.
(This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for full details.)Read Aloud- Everybody!
The Green Ember- We are still plugging away at this fantasy from last month. It is surprisingly long. To be honest, fantasy is my least favorite genre, so it hasn't been my favorite book. But, my kids seem to be loving it and I suppose that's what matters.

Storybook (My Book House, volume 2)- After spending months drooling over the classic My Book House series, I was pleasantly surprised to find all 12 volumes sitting on my doorstep one day as a gift from a lovely blog reader across the country. We've been reading selections from volume 2 after dinner most nights.
Jamie- that's me!
For the Love- I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the writings of critically acclaimed author and speaker, Jen Hatmaker. While I feel like her online blog posts and articles tend to be unnecessarily sarcastic and crass, I've always thought her published books are soul-stirring and culturally poignant. This latest book appears to be a collection of random musings with no real theme, and while funny and entertaining at times, mimics her blog post style more than the convicting nature I have grown to love in her other books.
Sweetie Pea- 7th grade
The Call of the Wild- She is plowing through the Middle School Must Reads list I put together for her. This is her current selection.
Super Boy- 4th grade
Out of Darkness- (Mom-assigned book) He took a pause last month to read something else, so he is still working his way through this biography of Louis Braille that I assigned to him last month.
The Story of the Battle of the Bulge- (Just-for-fun book) We have quite a few of the Cornerstones of Freedom series. He is meandering his way through all the books in the series that have anything to do with the military and historical battles.
Blonde Warrior- 3rd grade
Oh, the Places He Went- (Mom-assigned book) Even though my son is nearly past the age when most kids enjoy Dr. Seuss, he still loves bringing huge stacks of them home from the library. So, I thought he might enjoy reading the back-story on how and why these silly stories were penned.
Larryboy in the Amazing Brain Twister- (Just-for-fun reader)
Greased Lightning- 1st grade
Fun with Pets- (Mom-assigned book) While I don't follow the assigned curriculum for the ABeka readers, I occasionally include some of the books in my first grade plan because the reading level is appropriate and graduated and because they provide good phonics review.
Too Many Cats- (Just-for-fun book)
Needing more book ideas for your coming school year? Be sure to follow me on GoodReads.
That's what we're reading. How about you?
Just found your wonderful blog! I always love to find another family who loves books and look forward to seeing what all you post. I just started my own blog to help homeschoolers and families travel together on various reading journeys!