Gentle Pre-K Homeschool Curriculum

Gentle Pre-K Homeschool Curriculum Choices {The Unlikely Homeschool}

To call my selection of books for my three-year-old a "curriculum" would be laughable at best. The "C" word makes it sound all formal and structured...rigid.

Nothing could be further from the truth.
He's three.

At three, he doesn't need worksheets and lesson plans. He doesn't need time in a desk with a pre-packaged box of learning. 

He needs gentle. He needs open-ended play and permission to explore. He needs lots of time by momma's side learning through living.

For his sake...for his "I-want-to-do-school-at-the-big-table" sake, we will call all of this "school." 
"School" or "playing with purpose"'s really just semantics, in my opinion.  But, if it makes him feel like it's more official, we'll call it his "curriculum." (Insert a wink and the knowing smile of a momma who's been through the "rigors" of Pre-k a time or two.)

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Here's what he'll be using...


The older four kids and I will take turns reading a Bible story to him each morning. My Kindergartener will read from The Hear Me Read Bible as that is currently the only Bible he can read all by himself. But, the rest of us will use The Beginner's Bible because it is my preschooler's current favorite Bible story book. 


He and I will put together a simple alphabet picture book using a blank journal and discarded magazines. (2x a week)

Language Development

Story Time


For the most part, he knows a great deal of his numbers, shapes, and colors. These will be reinforced with homespun tot activities and lots of intentional play.

Arts & Crafts

Since he is a bit too young to join the rest of the family for some of our art time endeavors, as I am able, I hope to incorporate some activities from Art Lab for Little Kids into his week. This colorful book is by far the very best preschool art resource I've ever come across. It holds fast to my process vs. product mantra.


  1. Goodness...he is such a cute kid!

    1. Thanks. I think so, but then again, I'm a tad bit biased. How are things with 6? I've thought of you a lot lately.

  2. Have you heard of ABC Jesus Loves Me? I used it with my littles. Great Resource for light learning.

    1. sounds familiar. But, I'm not sure. I'll have to look it up. Thanks for the suggestion.

  3. Hello. I would like to Home school my children. I don't want to formally begin schooling until they're older, however I don't want someone knocking on my door asking why my children aren't in school. What should I do? My son was born on 9/27/10 so obviously he'll be 5 this September. We live in Northern Delaware. Thanks in advance.

    1. If you look on the website, you will be able to find a link to your state. It will list out all the laws regarding homeschooling in Delaware. As long as you are in compliance with those laws, you should be fine.
