7th Grade Homeschool Curriculum

7th Grade Homeschool Curriculum {The Unlikely Homeschool}

So, what do you call a 7th grader who is doing high school level math, reading, and vocabulary, 7th grade level grammar and 6th grade level spelling?

A homeschooler.

Since the very beginning, I have determined to toss out the pre-scripted plans of the traditional scope and sequence and just write the story of our homeschool based on my children. This year will be no different.

While the number that I've slapped onto her state-required school district letter says SEVEN, any number I assign to my daughter is really just a loose suggestion...something to tell the cashier at the checkout counter or the nurse at the doctor's office when they ask, "What grade are you in?"

If truth be told, she's suppose to be in sixth grade. But, trying to explain why my 11-year-old is doing a hodgepodge assortment of junior high and high school level work is a bit too complicated for the average 30 second inquiry of random strangers. So, "seventh grade" will be our go-to answer this year.

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Here's what she'll be learning...
(All subjects will be completed four times a week unless otherwise noted.)

Content-rich Subject

As in the past, she will do content rich subjects like morning time, history, science, and art with her brothers. I have designed history and science to include some junior high level resources that she will do independently in addition to what she will do alongside everyone else. You can find all those GROUP subjects here>>>

Personal Devotions

While she has several devotional studies to choose from, she much prefers to use her time to just read larger passages from her Bible each morning. And who can argue with that? On days when she'd like a more concrete plan or reading schedule, she'll continue to work her way through her Discipleship Guide.


  • BJU Writing and Grammar 7
  • read through Spilling Ink and The Writer's Notebook
  • Word Roots Level 1 (This is a new-to-us vocabulary course that will carry her through the next few years. I tend to be more of a learn-vocabulary-organically kind of girl. But as the redesigned SAT (set to roll out in 2016) is apparently going to consist mainly of vocabulary and math, I thought that some gentle but intentional vocabulary instruction might be in order.)
  • All About Spelling Level 6 and 7 (In case you're curious why she will be doing two levels of spelling, here's a little back story>>)
  • continue adding the final drafts of her BJU English writing assignments to her writer's notebook (every few weeks)
  • continue writing to the penpal that she has had for the last seven years (1x a month)
  • read for pleasure (every day)
  • read a Mom-Assigned book...classics, biographies, and exceptional fiction that I assign her to read each month


She was slotted to take Teaching Textbooks Algebra I this year. But, due to some tentative plans I have made for her future high school years, I have decided to pause Teaching Textbooks for one year. Because she has hopes of a rigorous college path and will need certain math scores on her SAT and because she plans to take some higher level, dual-enrollment math courses online through a Christian college her 11th and 12th grade years, I think it will be best for her to complete Algebra I & II and Geometry in 8th, 9th, and 10th.

This year, she will be focusing on practical consumer math.

Critical Thinking

Life Skills

  • Simplified Dinners for New Cooks-She will continue to be my side kick in the kitchen one day a week, but will use this ebook to guide her as she takes over a more independent roll in the day-to-day kitchen duties.
  • Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends-This is a book written by three siblings for siblings. My daughter and I had the privilege of hearing all three of the authors speak at a mother/daughter conference a couple of years ago and were greatly inspired by their love and care for one another. She looks forward to reading their book. 

Extra Curriculars

It's shaping up to be a full year. But, also a fun one!


  1. Jamie, I have never heard of Bright Lights. What do you and your daughter think of this as a devotional? I would love to do something like this with my older daughter. She is such a tomboy I have to be careful what I choose. ;)

    1. She really enjoys it. I don't do any of it with her. She reads through it on her own. Actually, I will be posting a list of my favorite girls devotional resources really soon. I've come upon some good ones in the last couple of years.

    2. Yay! I can't wait...

  2. I always look forward to your curriculum posts. I have two questions:

    Do you think BJP English has really helped your daughter to become the writer she is now? Did you look into other English curriculums and feel that this was the best, or did you just keep going with it because it has been successful in the past for your family?

    Also, I was curious about your thoughts about Common Core. I know the philosophy behind Common Core may not be something you agree with, but are you planning to teach Common Core methods and standards? I know the SAT will be heavily influenced by Common Core, so I'm wondering if I should start teaching the new style early on in my children's education. Any thoughts you have would be helpful! Thank you!

    1. It's quite possible that we could switch English programs when she gets to high school, but for now we really like BJU. It incorporates a good blend of both grammar and writing. I wrote an entire post about it here>>http://www.theunlikelyhomeschool.com/2014/03/abeka-vs-bju-language-why-i-switch-mid.html

      Regarding common core, my goal for education has always been education, not a test score. That being said, the verdict is still very much out about Common Core. Many states are now in litigation over it. So, at this point, I am not going to assume that it will remain in place or even remain across every state. The SATs are currently being revamped and will be Common Core aligned, and perhaps that might warrant introducing a few concepts the CC way in addition to the way I feel is best. But, in the end, I want my children to learn, not just memorize facts for a test.

  3. Hi Jamie!
    I saw that you have posted several time on budget friendly tips, but it would be very inspiring to know approximately how much you budget and spend by categories (literature, field trip, curriculum, hands-on, school furniture and so on).

    It is a subject a bit taboo I think, I can't really know how much moms spent on there homeshool. The answer are often vague. It's hard to figure out a realistic budget when we are crazy for books...

    If you have tips, reflexion, verses that could help us focus on staying on budget it would be woundeful. Because a super budget on paper is a thing and to stay on is another... Ouf!

    So, this is a suggestion for a futur post if you are searching some ideas, I would love your input on that!

    Thanks Jamie!

    Nancy from Quebec

    1. Nancy, it really does ebb and flow from year to year. For the most part, I spend way more on my daughter than anyone else. But that is because she is the first one to reach certain subjects. I buy all the materials for her and then usually only need to purchase the consumables for my other children as they reach that age. Last year, my homeschooling total came to $1983.21. That included curriculum, co-op fees, field trips, piano lessons for one, art lessons for one, summer guitar lessons, and a few misc. items. You can divide that number by 4 because four of my kids were in homeschool last year to get about $495 per child. But again, that number is not totally accurate for each child because I spend more on my daughter and just reuse a lot of the materials for the rest of the kids.

      Hope that helps.

  4. As a fellow mom of 5 I would love some insight on how all of this curriculum awesomeness is completed each day. we are planning to move to a 4 day week as well and I am a bit nervous at the length of our days. do you start quite early and let your children do their work and figure everyone finishes before dinner?? I am encouraged by your task card system and hope it will help with the flow of our days since there's 5 of them and only one of me! :)

    1. Melissa, you can check out a sampling of our schedule here>>>http://www.theunlikelyhomeschool.com/2013/08/our-homeschool-schedule-2013-2014.html

      This schedule is from 2013-2014, but it remains pretty accurate. This coming year due to my husbands work schedule, we will begin school earlier and therefore end a bit earlier each day, but the time frames should remain the same.

  5. Hi Jamie,
    I am also looking to put together a human body unit for my kids (ages 10 down to 2). I would love if you have any suggestions for books that are fun, engaging, informative, but also with a biblical/creation worldview. Thank you so much,

  6. Hello, for the Who Am I? And What Am I Doing here level 2 is that the same title for level 1

  7. Hello! I know this post is a year old now but I wanted to comment and ask how you liked the Dave Ramsey finance curriculum. We are weighing our math options for our daughter's upcoming 7th grade year. Do you think it would be too much to do it alongside Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra?? Thanks for all of your wonderful tips!!
