3rd Grade Homeschool Curriculum

3rd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices {The Unlikely Homeschool}

For the third time, I'm prepping for third grade. There's some kind of "third time's the charm" quip hidden between the lines of this post, but I'll spare you the lengthy monologue and just say that third grade feels like an old sweater. It's been worn in. It feels pretty comfy. It fits like a trusty OLD RELIABLE. 

Here's what my suppose-to-be-in-second-grade boy will be up to in third grade.

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All subjects will be completed four days a week unless otherwise noted.

Content-rich Subjects

He'll be joining his siblings for all the content-rich subjects such as morning time, history, science, and art. While we do all of these together, I try my best to provide multi-level learning. You can find a listing of the resources we will be using here>>>

Personal Devotions

Like last year, he will continue to read through his Picture Bible. But, he will also be working his way through the Challenger Quiet Time book from Word of Life


  • BJU English 3
  • All About Spelling Level 3
  • Create a writing notebook that he will use to keep all of the final drafts of his writing assignments. (every few weeks)
  • Continue writing to his penpal. (1x a month)
  • Read & Think Skills Sheets 3-These are to help prepare him for the timed reading comprehension sections of the mandatory state achievement tests. This spring will be his first time taking them. (1 page a week)
  • Read for pleasure every day.
  • Read a Mom-assigned book...classic, biography, exceptional fiction...that I select for him. (4x a week)



Critical Thinking

Life Skills

Extra Curriculars

  • piano (practice 5x a week, lessons 1x a week for a half hour)
  • Typing Instructor (1x a week)

Like I said, it's like an old sweater.


  1. Thank you for always giving us a run down of what each of your years looks like! It's always neat to peek behind the scenes and gain wisdom from other moms who have gone before our family in the process! Speaking of which, we are trying out Truth Quest History American History for Young Students I this year with our daughter and pre-school son. I have been utterly disappointed to find that most of the books listed in the curriculum are not available in our library, and neither are they to be found in our inter-library loan program. Some we have found...but very very few. We are thinking we will for sure need to purchase the spine books listed, but we couldn't possibly shell out for all of them (even used). My question is...do you have any recommendations of books you "couldn't live without" during your years in this curriculum (specifically the volume we will be in this year)? Any wisdom you could give me would be so appreciated! Thanks so much :D

    1. Krista, That is the primary reason why I have never completely endorsed TruthQuest on my blog. I have access to an amazing archive of books through my interstate library loan system, but I know many people don't. So sorry. Regarding the spines, we really didn't use any spines. My daughter was in 1st and 2nd when we did the Am. History units and I thought the spines were too lengthy for her. So, we just stuck to picture books. As frustrating as this might sound, you could use the TQ suggestions that you have available to you and then fill in with other books not listed from your library. Not ideal. And not what you had in mind when you purchased the program, but you'd still be able to use some of it. If that is just not an option for you, my other suggestion would be to think about selling your guide and switching to Beautiful Feet. It is living literature like TQ, but has a much more limited book list. They might be easier to find. Again, so sorry.

  2. Though it is not a board game, another way to learn through play is through dominoes or dice. I have dice with 10 sides that I used to teach addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to homeschool students. Playing dominoes helps students learn to count by 5, and add numbers.

    1. Yep. That is a great way. I have a set of math dice. Instead of dots, the set has arabic numerals. It also comes with a die that has math process symbols on it. It is great for math games!

  3. I love how you break this down! Wonderful ideas to be thinking about! About how long does it take for your middle Elementary kids to finish their school day minus their chore responsibilities?

    1. We sprinkle learning throughout the day. We typically start at 10 or 10:30 and they are done by 3. But we take several breaks, so it's hard to nail down the exact time frame. Probably around 3 hours.
