How We Teach: A Peek into the Lives of 25 Homeschool Veterans

Recently, a homeschool momma friend of mine was sharing with me a few of her fears for the upcoming school year. She confessed that she has always held to the traditional approach of education, but has been compelled to branch try something shed the worksheets and test packets for a more gentle approach.

The only problem is, she's just not sure how.

She's overwhelmed by choices and can't decided which style would best fit her family. And once she finally picks a method of education, she's afraid she'll lack the confidence in knowing how to implement it all.

The Charlotte Mason method sounds nice because who doesn't love great books and nature walks? But narration and dictation? Those sound like two unruly twins from the Elizabethan age. 

The Classical approach with its deep roots of foundational learning is also appealing. Studying The Greats is certainly a noble goal. But all the memorization! Who has the time to drill the Preamble of the Constitution when the toddler is currently pouring Cheerios into the toilet bowl?

And then there's the Montessori method.
Montessori? Is that some kind of dinosaur?

She's paralyzed...temporarily stuck in place because of all the unknowns.

What she really needs is a chance to see some of these fancy-named methods in action! She needs a peek into the real life homeschools of real-life homeschoolers. She needs to peel back the layers and see the nitty-gritty...the "here's how we get'er done" kind of details.

In truth, homeschooling isn't a one-size-fits-all journey. There's no one RIGHT WAY. That's why a look at MANY WAYS and many methods is so very helpful.

I'm thrilled to be able to hold a new resource out to her...AND YOU!

How We Teach

I've partnered with 24 other mommas from around the globe to offer up a fishbowl-look at the daily happenings inside our homes. In our latest collaborative work, How We Teach, we share the nuts-and-bolts of how we teach certain subjects for certain aged learners using certain methods...from classical to unschooling and everything in between!

How We Teach has been intentionally divided into the five different stages of learning...preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle school, and high school...and has been organized according to subjects and teaching methods/styles.

Chapter titles include...

  • Gentle First Steps Into Reading 
  • Frustration-Free Kindergarten Math
  • The World From All Angles: How to Customize a Geography Study
  • The Story Approach to Elementary History
  • Not Just Unit Studies, Nature Studies!
  • Math Without the Textbook
For a complete list of chapter titles, please see the Table of Contents

To purchase your very own copy

How We Teach is a digital product available for download on Amazon.  The digital download allows you to read on the following devices:
  • computer
  • iPad
  • tablet
  • smartphone
  • laptop
  • any other device that allows you to access digital products
Come take a peek at the homeschool lives of over 24 veterans, myself included. See how we teach with particular methods and philosophies. 

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