A Podcast Interview of Little ol' Me: A Peek Into My Gloriously-Filled Days

One of my most favorite things to do as a homeschool momma is sit down with other homeschool mommas and unpack this crazy adventure called homeschooling...all while sipping a brimming mug of coffee, of course!

I love the camaraderie.
I love the inside jokes.
I love the mutual understanding.

Recently, I had a chance to chat with fellow homeschooling mom and host of The Homeschool Snapshots Podcast, Pam Barnhill, about the wonderful fulness of my days. I shared with her my love of doing-things-my-own-way and my passion for raising kids who follow God with abandon.

I wish you could have joined us in our late night chat. But, since that wasn't possible, I invite you to the "after party".

So, grab yourself a tall mug of your favorite creamer, splash in a little coffee for good measure, and join us as we discuss schedules, flexibility, and everything-in-between.



  1. I have been wanting to comment for a long time but for some reason, can't submit comments from my phone. I HAD to take time today to log into the home computer to THANK you. I have followed your blog for a couple of years. I don't follow many blogs. I definitely feel like God supernaturally led me to your blog. I gleen so much from each post. ESPECIALLY your reading lists. Thanks for taking the time to share. I was talking w a friend this morning that is considering homeschooling and she asked for some recommendations on podcasts that could help her evaluate the homeschool lifestyle. When we hung up, I asked God to show me where to point her. This arrived a few minutes later in my inbox. It blows my mind that God cares enough to orchestrate before time a connection in our paths. That he encouraged some fellow reader of your blog to request an interview for you. That God lined up the timing of all of this and custom delivered your podcast to my inbox moments after I asked Him to help. My friend is also a mom of five. All of her children are one year younger than yours. She is full of freedom and grace like you......You've blessed me immensely through posts thru the years and I'm thrilled for the opportunity to really thank you today. I consider you a friend. Thanks Jamie for sharing your journey. God bless you! Leah

    1. Leah,
      What a lovely "hug" this was for me today. Thank you for taking the time to write such an encouraging message. God's timing is so very perfect. I appreciate the reminder. Thank you for reading and joining me on the journey.

  2. Thanks for opening the world of podcasts to me.... Lol I have been using an iPad for about a year, and love it. I had not ventured into podcasts much. So when I read your post I thought ok I think I can figure out how to listen to this. In doing so I have found a whole new hobby... I liked listening to your interview. I now have a few of these channels marked and listen in my kitchen while I'm cooking. I even found one on small farming, which we sorta do here with chickens and my brand new flock of sheep that are arriving tomorrow. So thanks for the encouragement to venture into a new area of technology I hadn't found time to do before.

    1. Adrienne, I love podcasts. I throw them on often while I do the dishes or exercise. It's a great way to pass the time.

  3. You mentioned a list of questions that you ask your kiddos to help you figure out the topics to study for the following year. Would you mind sharing that with me? Maybe it's something I can use to draw more answers out of my kids. Thank you and thank you for all your posts!
