What We're Reading in March 2015

What We're Reading In March 2015 {The Unlikely Homeschool}

With only three more months left of the 2014-2015 school year, we are in full boogie mode. Lots of learning happening 'round here. Lots of learning. The gentle sound of a turning page can be heard wafting through the house at any given moment. 

We've got our noses in some good books and can't wait to tell you all about them!

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March is roaring in with these titles...

Read Aloud- Everybody

The Long Winter- This book selection is a classic case of "misery loves company." This has been a loooooong winter for us here in the midwest. So, we are finding solace in the empathetic words of this American classic. If Laura can make it through one arctic freeze after another, SO CAN WE! (As of yesterday, the snow officially started to melt in our front yard. So, there's hope.)

Jamie- That's me!

The Happy Christian- To be honest, I know nothing about this book. I was listening to our local Christian radio station two weeks ago when the host was interviewing the author. The station announced a giveaway of the book to the third caller. My daughter begged me to call. I did. I won. So, now I'm reading it. I'm only on the first chapter, so the verdict is still out. 

Sweetie Pea- 6th Grade

Calico Bush- (Mom assigned book) She is still finishing up the book that I assigned to her last month...sadly, she is kind of trudging through it. 

The Babysitter's Handbook- (Read-for-fun book) She is rereading this book that I assigned to her last year because she liked it so much.

Super Boy- 3rd grade

Hero Over Here: A Story of World War I- (Mom assigned book) This is from the Once Upon America series, a collection of historical fictions based on real events in history. 

Tanks- (Read-for-fun book) This book is just one in a FANTASTIC non-fiction series put out by Usborne Books. It is a beginner reader collection designed specifically for boys. He's been working his way through the entire series since Christmas and has been loving it!

Blonde Warrior- 2nd grade

Mice of the Herring Bone- (Mom assigned book) I read this whimsical cat and mouse pirate drama to my older two kids several years ago. Now it's my third born's turn to enjoy it.

The Bull and the Fire Truck- (Read-for-fun book)

Greased Lightning- Kindergarten

Reading for Fun Enrichment Library Series- This is a series of 54 graduated readers that corresponds with the phonics program we use.  

What are you reading this month?


  1. Hey! Again, love these book choices :) So aggravating that we can never find the ones you suggest in our own library (even with the inter-library loan program). I really want to suggest the Usborne Beginners series to our librarian. Maybe she'll get all of them in! They look awesome.

    Okay, so quick reading time question. How do you get through a book with five kids' questions rapid firing at you. I only have two, but they are constantly asking questions they already know the answers to. I have never wanted to dissuade them from asking questions (of a legitimate nature) because I think curiosity drives learning, but when they're asking questions we answer in the same way each time we read the book then it gets me to thinking they are interrupting for interrupting's sake...or for attention. I want them to be curious and I want them to ask questions, but how am I to get through a story when I can't even read a sentence without someone asking literally dozens of questions. Our daughter struggles at times with talking just to talk and I think these "interruptions" during story time are mostly that. I try to praise her when she asks a legitimate question which I can tell she absolutely does not know the answer to. Other times I try to ask them, "Why do you think that is? Or what's your guess as to what that means?" if it's something I think they can get on their own, but the questions that really have started to wear me out for story time are the repetitive easy ones that they totally know but are just wanting to get some attention or something? Is this making sense? I'm not sure.

    I guess my question is, do you ever put parameters on questions? And if so, how do you enforce it? I don't want to squelch questions, but merely help them to realize interrupting just to interrupt makes story time not fun for anyone.

    1. Yes, definitely parameters. Questions are good. But, learning WHEN to ask questions is also a needed life skill. I typically don't allow questions during read aloud time. Since I know my kids, I know what topics/words/scenes might need more explanation. So, I preemptively explain a few things as I am reading. This helps to alleviate the need for questions.

  2. Great recommendations for my son. He loves reading about WWI and WWII. Off subject, I love your chairs! Where did you get them?

    1. Thanks, we got them at HOM Furniture. The fabric was custom ordered as we wanted the chairs to match/compliment our couch.

  3. Oooh - Mice of the Herring Bone looks good! I will need to track that one down at the library!

  4. Hi Jamie!
    Thanks for your share! I have read several of your posts «What were reading this month» I have also read your post on how do you proceed with your read aloud times. Some questions are burning my lips since a couple of months and I can't quit find the answers on your blog. So I take a chance to ask them to you.
    - How do you plan/schedule your read aloud time?
    - When, I much time, do you make a narration part (oral, acting, drawing, writting, etc)
    - Do you choose only books (your books, kid's book and read loud books) with a certain total numbers of page planning that you have to ideally finish it in a month for most of the books?
    - How do you plan YOUR personal reading time AND the one of your kiddos? Because it is another period than the reading aloud so... more reading! (when, how much time per day etc)

    It is a bit of chaos in my reading planning. I choose all kind of good books of all interesting subjects for my girls and it's okay, because after all... we read a lot of good books! But I kinda trying to find my path it all that reading stuff.

    I would like to have some boundaries to help me find what to plan, I much time per day for ME AND the reading aloud times.
    My oldest daughter has 6 ys old and just start reading small phonic books with my help but soon I would have to plan time for her too...

    And, does reading fiction, history and science (living books) makes part of your reading aloud or it is included in your history and science periods?
    Thanks a lot for your help Jamie
