What We're Reading in February 2015

What We're Reading in February 2015 {The Unlikely Homeschool}

As I welcome in February, I hope to enjoy a good book each day with a coffee cup and saucer at my side. A large clunky coffee mug has been my steady reading companion for the past eight years. But, I think it's time we part ways. 

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As I see it, the few treasured moments I get to steal away each day to fold myself up in the pages of a book will somehow feel even more lavish if I'm drinking from a cup that forces my pinky high into the air. Cups and saucers just seem to slow life down a bit...they make you speak in mannerly tones and use sweeping gestures. They're just fancy. And, to be honest,  I could use a bit of fancy around here. Who knows? Maybe I'll even start reading out loud with a British accent or something?! 

February...it's the month of fanciful things!
Cheers to a good book. Pinkies up!

Here's what we'll be reading...

Read aloud- Everybody

Henry Reed, Inc.- We're about half way through reading the mid-adventures of Henry and his friend Midge and are really enjoying the light humor of it all. It has a very Homer Price-ish story line...ironically, the illustrator is none other than Robert McCloskey, famed author of Homer Price and many others.

Jamie- That's me!

Healthy at Home- I'm not anti-traditional medicine...I have a doctor. I see my doctor. However, I think that, sadly, our society has become so dependent upon prescriptions, pills, and big pharma that we have no idea how to remedy even simple colds and flus without first checking in with Urgent Care. Gone are the days of simple and natural. We've replaced common sense with little white capsules. And while traditional medicine usually can fix basic maladies, the "cures" come at a great price. As author, Dr. Tieraona Low Dog (herbalist, midwife, and certified M.D.) says, "For all its magic in treating serious disease and trauma, for minor problems, [using modern medicine] can often be like using a chain saw when a paring knife would do."

I'm only a few chapter in, but so far I've found this to be an excellent 101 style guide to the remedies of old...a practical primer on using the wealth of God-created nature to keep yourself healthy naturally. 

Sweetie Pea- 6th grade

Calico Bush- Since my daughter just began an extensive research project on Ellis Island and immigration, I thought the courageous story of a young French emigrant would pair quite nicely with her studies.

Super Boy-3rd Grade

Davy Crockett: Life on the Frontier- Truthfully, this reader-style book is a bit basic for my son. But, after seeing him slough through the oh.so.lengthy.and.wordy chapters of Beverly Cleary's Ribsy, I knew he needed a quick-read filled with adventure this month. 

Blonde Warrior- 2nd Grade

The Courage of Sarah Noble- After turing the last page of The Bears of Hemlock Mountain, my son saw that the author, Alice Dalgliesh, had written another award winning book and immediately asked if we could get it from the library. He was not at all deterred by the fact that the protagonist is a girl. He recognized his own appreciation for the author's writing style and wanted to explore more of her work.

I'd say that I've got myself the makings of a life-long reader...someone who is growing a literary pallet and is hungry for more.

Greased Lightning- Kindergarten

Scholastic Phonics Ready Readers- This is a series of graduated phonics readers that come in multiple boxed sets. He's on the set 3 of the series.

So, that's what we'll be reading. How about you?


  1. Always appreciate that you tell us what you're reading. Gives me some good ideas! I just reserved most of these at the library. :) By the way, who's son wrote who last? We can't remember...sorry!

    1. No worries. I think it's your turn. How are you feeling?

    2. I am feeling much better. That first trimester was rough. As always. Thankful to be in the second trimester with a lot more energy! I will have mine write yours. Sorry about that!

  2. Please dont take any offense but how come you are not reading any books for black history month. Im not trying to stay anonymous i just couldnt remember my new password. My name is stephanie. Just wondering. Thanks. I love your blog

    1. No offense taken. I greatly value black history and Jewish history and Latino history and all history. And for that reason, I weave it into history as it should be. In my opinion, separating each of these out puts a devalue to them...as if they are not significant to the rest of the whole. I'd much rather read about Frederick Douglass WHILE we are reading about the abolitionist movement than separately during February. Then, my kids can have a frame of reference for what was going on in the world and why his contribution was so significant. I think there's more value in learning history chronologically.

  3. My son just started reading Henry Reed today (I bought it and put it on his bookshelf for him to discover) and my daughter is reading Homer Price to me. I am reading Emily's Runaway Imagination to her and our current family read-aloud is The Wheel on the School.

    1. We loved Homer Price. We read it for our co-op book club! And my daughter read Emily's Runaway Imagination a few years ago. But, we've not read The Wheel on the School yet...someday.

  4. I wrote all about what we're reading on my blog:


    The one for me is already outdated - I finished my book and have started another. Thanks for visiting my post last month. Even though you didn't leave a comment, it was nice knowing you'd been there (based on the reply comment here on your blog).

    1. I'll have to check it out! Thanks for reading, Wendy!
