Top 10 Favorite Pinterest Boards for Homeschool

Top 10 Favorite Pinterest Boards for Homeschool {The Unlikely Homeschool}

Just the other day, the kids and I dabbled in a little color mixing with a...might I say...super easy, "I actually have all the supplies on hand and don't have to go to the store" kind of science project. 

We followed the simple directions.
Crossed our fingers.
Waited the appropriate 24 hours. ("Waited" is a relative term here. "Stared anxiously at the three jars of ever-changing liquids and watched the clock like time-keeping Nazis" is a more accurate description. But, you get the idea.)

Then, we stood back in wonder when it actually worked!

In case you're wondering...
this brief little story...the one in which I get to wear the Super Homeschool Mom cape in front of my kids for a brief nano-second for having helped them with the oh-so-successful science project...was brought to you by PINTEREST!

Yep. Pinterest.
And more accurately, one of these ten fantastic boards.

If you're looking for your next big Super-Homeschool-Mom moment, might I be so bold as to suggest a few really great Pinterest boards worth following. 

Here they are in no particular order:

The Ultimate Homeschool Board by Jamerrill Stewart and friends

Homeschool FREEbies by In All You Do

Homeschool Curriculum Reviews by The Curriculum Choice and friends

Learning with Literature by Creekside Learning and friends

Writing Prompts by Write Shop

Notebooking for Homeschool by Jimmie Lanley

Nature Study by Barb at Handbook of Nature Study and friends

Art for Kids by Rebecca English

Hands-On Science by Julie Kirkwood and friends

KBN Activities for Toddlers by Kid Blogger Network

And since we're talkin' homeschooling ideas on Pinterest, don't forget to join me over there.

Looking for more Pintastic boards to follow? Be sure to check out all the ones from the lovely ladies of iHomeschool Network.


  1. What about the science experiment?? Are you going to post about it soon? I'd love to see what it was :)

    1. Wendy, I often post pics of our science experiments on Facebook, but forget to write about them here. I'll have to remember to do that.
