Help! I'm Homeschooling a Middle School or High School Student!

Help! I'm Homeschooling a Middle School or High School Student! {The Unlikely Homeschool}

The Hubs and I just registered for our state's annual homeschool conference. It is not until mid-April, but as I rank it rather high on my Homeschool-Mommy-Sanity-Saver list, I wanted to be sure to grab a ticket while the grabbib' was good.  It is a much-needed weekend of refreshment...a chance to assess our homeschooling endeavors and gain some fresh perspective and encouragement to KEEP ON the journey.

What's more, this year, I registered for the pre-conference HOMESCHOOLING HIGH SCHOOL session. 

Yep. THAT'S upon me. There's no avoiding it. My daughter is already doing some high school level work. And with high school officially starting in only two years, I guess it's high time I pull up my big girl pants and figure it all out! I'd rather take the time NOW, than wait two years and start high school with a deer-in-the-headlights look.

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While I never hesitate in my enthusiasm for attending the conference, I usually take a deep breath and a big "there's no turning back now" gulp as I purchase the tickets.  You see, the conference is always hosted in one of the three main metro areas of our state and because we live here in teeny-tiny Mayberry, we have to make a several-hour trek to attend.  In addition to the price of the conference tickets, we have to factor in an overnight hotel stay, gasoline, several restaurant bills, and parking fees.  It all adds up to a pretty pricey weekend retreat.   

In the end, the conference is always worth the added annual expense.  But, I know many homeschool mommas who just can't squeeze all that into the budget.  

iHomeschool Network online Webinar for homeschooling Middle and High School {The Unlikely Homeschool}

That's why I am so excited to be able to announce the MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL iHomeschool Studio Online Webinar, a 4-day on-line homeschooling conference with an emphasis on transitioning to upper-level learning that you can attend right from the comfort of your own couch. Imagine hearing some of the most encouraging homeschool veterans while wearing your jammies.  

Webinar Details

  • The convenient, online sessions will be hosted during the afternoons and evenings of Tuesday, February 10th through Friday, February 13th, 2015.
  • Tickets for this 4-day conference are $25 and can be purchased securely through Paypal starting Tuesday, January 28th, 2015.
  • Ticket prices include access to the 24 live sessions, MP3 recordings of all the 24 conference sessions (available to download March 3-May 31, 2015), and special discounts, door prizes, and giveaways.
  • All the workshops are delived via GoToWebinar over the internet.  All attendees must have access to the internet as well as speakers or headphones.  GoToWebinar can be accessed with an app on most digital devices.  For more information, please see the complete details regarding system requirements

Webinar Sessions and Speakers

Planning for Upper Level Homeschool & Beyond Graduation


Math for Middle School and High School

Language Arts/ English for Middle School and High School




While I enjoy going to my state convention each year, I cringe at the everything-adds-up price of an entire weekend away. Wanna experience the refreshment of a conference without forking over your entire savings? DON'T MISS this 4-day, on-line conference. Get refueled, refreshed, and refocused right from your couch. 


  1. I don't know if you'll have the answer to this question, but if you purchase tickets to this do you get to hear/see ALL of those sessions?

  2. Oh good grief. I just read a little better and answered my own question, lol! Nevermind!
