My Book Reading Goals for 2015

My Book Reading Goals for 2015 {The Unlikely Homeschool}

A quick look at my Good Reads account proves that I've been a busy reader this year. Since launching into a year-long goal to get back into reading two years ago, I've enjoyed a jam-packed library bag and many late night hours of words...lots and lots of wonderful words. I've been changed by them. Molded, shaped, and reshaped.

This year, I hope to continue that steady path of change and dive into a few good titles. I've picked out a few that have caught my eye over the last few months. I will use this list as a loose goal, but will feel free to veer from my pre-scripted course whenever I get an itch to do so. In other words, I'm not married to the list. It's just here for inspiration and to provide a suggestion whenever I need one.

So, here's my list...ten books I hope to crack open in the next twelve month.

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2015 Reading Goals

Waiting for Unicorns- This middle-grade fiction work is a bit out of my normal reading "box," but it was written by a lovely friend-in-real-life and brilliant writer. I have no doubt I'll enjoy it. Can't wait!

Reading in the Wild- Just weeks ago, I had the privilege of reading the prequel of this book. It affirmed so many long-held beliefs I've had about igniting a passion for reading in children. I can only imagine this one will do the same.

The Hole in Our Gospel- 2014 was a year of "religious" challenge for me. I was forced, on more than one occasion, to take a good hard look at church...or really, how we "play" church here in America. I have a feeling this book will continue the chiseling God has already started in my heart.

Resisting Gossip- As a woman who likes to talk...and talk...and talk...resisting gossip has always been a s.t.r.u.g.g.l.e for me. But since, according to Matthew 12:36 I will give an account one day for every careless word I have spoken, I'm hoping this book can give me some practical tools to help me bridle my tongue.

The Waiting- Last fall, I read the first few chapters of this touching memoir of one mother's life-long quest to find her biological daughter. I got side-tracked by another book and never ended up finishing it. I hope to revisit it in the coming year.

A Year of Biblical Womanhood- I've heard and read quite a bit of "stir" over this book. It's time I find out what all the fuss is about! If nothing else, I have a feeling it will cause me to really dive into the Scriptures to prove or disprove my own personal stance on a few issues.

The Four Seasons of Marriage- It's no secret that I'm a big fan of Chapman's Five Love Languages. But, I read that little gem way back in the newlywed phase. As the Hubs and I have transitioned into a new season of marriage, I'd like to revisit some of Chapman's sage advice and learn to embrace what's to come.

When You Rise Up: A Covenantal Approach to Homeschooling- I'm just being perfectly honest here...the title of this book got me hook, line, and sinker.

Own Your Life: Living With Deep Intention, Bold Faith, and Generous Love- Sally Clarkson's writing is often a calm sea in the raging waters of motherhood. I'm not entirely sure when and how I stumbled upon this title. But, I've always enjoyed Clarkson's gentle call to Biblical womanhood and assume this book will not disappoint.

A Light to My Path- I've never been a huge fan of adult fiction. Or perhaps more truthfully, I'm a fiction snob. If I am going to invest time in a fiction book, it has to be captivating from paragraph one. I've heard great things about this Lynn Austin trilogy and hope to carve out a few weeks for it.

Looking for more great titles?

Be sure to check out...
Personal Goals for 2014
Top 15 Books that Helped Shape Me in 2014
Top 10 Favorite Parenting Books

And what about you? What will you be reading?


  1. I absolutely loved the book 'When You Rise Up'. It was the final book God lead me to before I decide to homeschool. I knew after reading that book I was going to homeschool and that I could do it with God leading me. I was just thinking about getting it out to read again.

    1. I hope to get to it really soon. So glad to hear it is worth the read!

  2. Jamie, thanks for including "Resisting Gossip" on your list for 2015. Make sure to let us know what you think of it once you've read it.

  3. Thank you for this list. I've been adding to my wish list from it. The only one that I have read is "When you rise up"-an important book for Christian home educators.

    1. You're the second one to give that book praise! Can't wait to read it.

  4. I'll be really curious to hear what you think about "A Year of Biblical Womanhood," because all the Bible scholars I respect mocked the book for its selective application of when it was literal to things.

    1. That's what I have been hearing also. I'm just too curious not to read it.

  5. Thanks for the list, Jaime :) I am honestly just trying to carve out some time to read "a" book. I want to revisit two books this year that I read several years ago. One is called "The Explicit Gospel" by Matt Chandler and the other is "To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain" also by Matt Chandler. I would humbly suggest these ones to you as well if you haven't already read them.

    1. I've not read or even heard of either one of those. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll have to check into them.
