Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum 2014-2015

Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum 2014-2015 {The Unlikely Homeschool}

He's in kindergarten.  


Truthfully, I really don't think he knows what "kindergarten" actually means.  We don't focus on grade levels 'round here.  We're more of the "learning-for-life" kinda folks.  But, he's heard the word and he knows it somehow EQUALS his school year.
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Like anything shrouded with an element of mystery, kindergarten has him excited!  And how can it not?  This foreign word, "kindergarten" has brought him congratulatory cards in the mail, many awkward thumb's ups from the ladies behind the registers of the grocery store, and a high-five from his Sunday school teacher at church.  

Kindergarten is a BIG deal, he's surmised.  It must be...everyone keeps telling him so.  

In truth, it is.  The tears welling up in my eyes as I write this remind me of that fact.  Kindergarten is a man-made bridge from one stage of learning into the next...or so they say.  Because learning has been a regular part of our family culture since as long as he can remember AND since he has been crawling up to the school table since the first day he could take two wobbly steps on his chubby tot feet, I'm sure he would conclude that THIS year will feel no different than any other year.  

But, whether it is, in fact, the START of something or (as I see it) the natural CONTINUATION of something that started five years ago when he opened his eyes to the world and began learning and growing, it IS a big deal.  

I hope to make it one, for his sake, anyway.

Here's what he'll be learning.

Content-rich subjects

Despite the fact that he is several years behind his older siblings, he will take a spot next to them on the couch each day for our content-rich subjects like science and history and certain subjective subjects like art and creative writing.  Naturally, his learning in these areas will be more gentle...age appropriate...but no less enriching than that of his brothers and sister.  You will find more specific details and resource lists for these subjects here>>

Personal devotions

Since his reading ability is somewhat limited at this point, his personal devotions will be done in partnership with all the READERS in the house.  Like last year, the four older kids and I will each take turns reading him a story out of his Bible each day.  This not only helps to establish the personal habit of starting his day in God's Word, but it also affords the older children an opportunity to minister to and encourage him.  




Extra Curriculars

  • help make lunch and dinner one day each week
  • co-op (2x a month)
  • Can You Find Me?- This year, our official "critical thinking" resources are a big question mark. With the addition of a new history that is much more time consuming than we are use to...I don't know if we will have the time.  There are only so many hours in the day.  My plan is to start the school year WITHOUT an official "critical thinking" time each week and weave it in later if time and sanity allow.  

So, that's what the monumental year of kindergarten will look like for him. 
Lots of learning.  
Because it's a big deal.

1 comment:

  1. Great resource.

    The best curriculum for your children it it aligns with your family's purpose for home schooling. Perhaps your worldview, schedule or school district has played a significant role in your decision.

