6th Grade Homeschool Curriculum 2014-205

6th Grade Homeschool Curriculum 2014-2015 {The Unlikely Homeschool}

Middle school.  
We've hit middle school.  
Deep breath.  I just need to take a deep breath.  
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Can it be possible that the little pink bundle the nurse handed me late one winter night not so very long ago is starting middle school?  Whether I like it or not, here we go! {gulp!}

To be clear, according to her age/birth date, she is suppose to be in 5th grade.  But, since her homeschooling course doesn't have to follow someone else's previously chiseled path, she's chosen to carve her own way.  She started learning early and learning quickly.  So, while I dub THIS her 6th grade year, there's a lot of hodgepodge melding of grades going on...from 5th to 9th and everything in between.  

Content-rich subjects

To avoid redundancy, I'll not list the GROUP subjects that she will learn with the rest of us, like history and science.  You can find those all here>>>

This will just be an inventory of the curriculums that are specific to her and her alone this year.

Personal devotions

She will continue to read her Adventure Bible that she received for her Christmas gift of Myrrh.  In addition, she will also be working through the following:  (The rotation of the two books is entirely up to her.)


  • BJU English 6 (4x a week)
  • All About Spelling Level 5 and Level 6 (4x a week)  In case you're curious why she will be doing two year's worth of spelling in one year, here's a little back story>>
  • continue adding the final drafts of her BJU English writing assignments to her writing notebook (every few weeks)
  • continue writing to the penpal that she has had for the last six years (1x a month)
  • read for pleasure (every day)
  • read a Mom-Assigned book...classics, biographies, and exceptional fiction that I assign her to read each month (4x a week)


Life Skills

This year, Sweetie Pea will read through a short list of books that I've collected for her in preparation for the changes in both physical and emotional development that are on her horizon.  With purpose, I have determined a reading order of the books.  I've mapped it out in such a way that she will read roughly one chapter of ONE book each day until that book is complete.  She will, then, move on to the next book on the list.  I have already discussed most of the topics of these books with her already. The books will just be resources to help fill in the details. (4x a week)  I plan to forgo any Mom-assigned books until all of these have been read.  (There's just not enough hours in the school day otherwise!)
In addition, she'll also make/help make breakfast, lunch, and dinner once a week and continue her Mommy's helper roll through October.

Critical Thinking

  • Who is God? (3x a week, one complete lesson every 2-3 weeks)- This is the first in a series of books designed to help establish a Biblical worldview.  This particular book focuses on God and Truth.
  • The Fallacy Detective (1x a week)- One of The Hubs' biggest pet peeves is the lack of logic/reasoning skills in young adults today.  He desires to raise discerning children who can recognize the faulty reasoning that is so prevalent in main stream media, pop culture, and sadly even in many churches.  By learning how to detect a fallacy, my daughter will be more equipped to stand for TRUTH.  Dissecting current events and filtering them through a grid of Scripture is practically a daily occurrence at our home. We hope this book will be an extension of our efforts.  

Extra curriculars

A lot to tackle in one year.
But, like all self-motivated learners, she's up for the challenge!


  1. So question about this part "read a Mom-Assigned book...classics, biographies, and exceptional fiction that I assign her to read each month (4x a week)" Do you do this for all your children, pick the book out that they need to read?
    I have been letting my kids pick there own books out, but my kids always pick out "stupid" books in my opinion. Not great literature....books like Barbie. I know that you are flipping out. hahha!
    What if they don't like out the book you pick? You make them finish it? Curious how you go about this. Thanks Jamie. =)

    1. Great question! You can find the LONG answer here.

      But, the short answer is...I can relate to the "stupid" books. I think that is what MOST kids would naturally gravitate towards, but mostly because those are the books that are always on display...at the library, at the store, etc. By assigning quality literature, they can begin to recognize good authors, good story lines, and begin to be more discerning. While my daughter sometimes grabs a "stupid" book for her "just for fun" read each month, she is also very good about searching for a quality book. She has learned to be a critical reader and often finds points in books that she doesn't agree.

      That being said, YES, they have to finish the book I assign. But, I do my best to assign them a book I genuinely feel like they will like. I consider their likes/dislikes and personalities. Most of the time, I hit a home run and they really like the book, but there are rare occasions when they just have to persevere through to get it done. But that's fine by me. That's a life lesson they need to learn.

      In my opinion, most young kids need help learning how to choose quality books, but once they are exposed to them, they begin to select them all on their own.

  2. Have you tried the typing program yet? I'm looking for something like this.

    1. Heidi, we've used this same program for four years. I would love to purchase a more advanced series for her since she's been doing it for so long, but I can't seem to find anything that I like. We love this one, though.

    2. Good! Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. Thank you for your post! This is one of the more helpful posts on 6th grade curriculum that I have found.

  4. Thank you so much for posting! We are exploring homeschooling this year and my biggest struggle has been "where to start".

    1. Best of luck as you begin. Feel fee to subscribe to my newsletter or join me on FB or Instagram to continue the conversation!
