2013 Christmas Countdown for Kids

2013 Christmas Countdown for Kids-25 family friendly Advent ideas @ The Unlikely Homeschool

"Who's turn is it to pick the slip out of the calendar today, Mom?"

With the arrival of December 1st, comes the exhibition of our family Advent calendar and the MORNING QUESTION.  Fortunately for me, I color-code the slips in festive paper, so I don't have to waste brain-power trying to remember whose turn it is to pull the slip from its pocket and announce the day's happenings.

2013 Christmas Countdown for Kids-The Unlikely Homeschool

This year's countdown list of daily Christmas adventures consists of many family favorites as well as a few new activities.  Every morning a slip is pulled, the activity is announced, and the children wait in eager anticipation for when The Hubs comes home and we can all enjoy the TO DO together.  In the event that the day takes an unexpected turn, I always plan a few easy-to-impliment activities to act as a fast replacement for the original.  

So, here's what we'll be up to this holiday season.  
But, it's just between you and me.  Don't tell my kids!

(Day 1 of our countdown is actually Day 24 on our calendar.  Remember...it's a countDOWN.)

2013 Christmas countdown activities

  1. Attend a cousins sleepover Christmas party at a favorite aunt and uncle's house.
  2. Set up the buildings of the Nativity countdown.
  3. Select/Buy a Gift for Jesus.-This year, we will be gifting some necessities and gift cards to a family who has recently lost everything due to a house fire.  
  4. Put on the Christmas pillowcases.
  5. Make snow ice cream.
  6. Play the Build a Snowman Game.
  7. Attend an area "light walk" at a local attraction. 
  8. Make a gift for our Sunday School teachers.-This year, we will be making edible snowman buttons.
  9. Attend the co-op Christmas party.
  10. Make a ribbon Christmas tree ornament.-I found a Christmas card idea on Pinterest that I plan to tweak into an ornament.  
  11. Play the Right/Left Snowman game.  
  12. Invite a new family over for a winter supper.
  13. Play eye-spy ornament.
  14. Enjoy "Christmas day" with extended family and attend a community Christmas party.
  15. Go Christmas caroling at a nursing home.
  16. Play the Dreidel game. (I'm part Jewish by birth.)
  17. Attend the 8th (or 9th??) annual Gingerbread House Decorating Party.
  18. Buy grandparents gifts at the $1 store.
  19. Play musical gifts.
  20. Go look at Christmas lights around town.
  21. Make thumbprint ornaments.  
  22. Deliver homemade Christmas cookies to neighbors.
  23. Create an art project sketch with Christmas cards.
  24. Enjoy "Christmas day" with more extended family.

Replacement ideas

  1. Watch a Christmas movie.
  2. Make paper snowflakes to hang around the house.
  3. Enjoy a cup of snowman soup. (homemade hot chocolate)
  4. Unwrap one stocking gift early.
  5. Decorate homemade wrapping paper.
  6. Put together homemade Christmas card puzzles.

For more Christmas countdown ideas...

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