What We're Reading in November

What We're Reading: November-The Unlikely Homeschool

I don't know about you, but I love sneaking a peek at what other people are reading.  Whenever I am invited over to someone's house, I secretly glance at their bookshelves, scan the titles for any books I'd like to read, and mentally make note of them.  I head home and instantly add them to my GoodReads account.  It's a sickness...I know!  

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With the growing list of books on my "To Read Shelf", I have no hope of ever getting to all these books in my lifetime.  But, at least I know that I'll never lack for a Good Read when I need one.

I'm happy to report that my kids have caught Book Fever too.

Since I can't give you an official tour of our book baskets and shelves, I thought I'd show you a quick glance of what we're currently reading.  

Read Aloud-everybody

Mocassin Trail- We have been enjoying this rugged frontier-esque look at sibling relationships, but it is a bit wordy for the younger ones to follow.  I often have to reword the narration.

Jamie-that's me!

The Money Saving Moms's Budget- I taught a money-saving/spending class for a few years through community education, and highly recommend this book if you are looking for simple tips to living on one-income in a two-income world.  While it is not an exhaustive budgeting/money-saving book, I think it is a great introduction for beginners.  

Unglued- I read this book last year during a personal relationship struggle.  It was a fantastic look at Biblical conflict resolution and controlling your raging emotions.  In September, I revived the book and am enjoying it with a dozen or so other ladies during a small-group book study.  

Sweetie Pea-5th Grade

The Word Snoop- Every few weeks, I assign Sweetie Pea a book to read.  Since she has LEARNED to read, she can now read to learn.  So, I typically assign her quality, fiction classics or biographies.  This time, however, I veered from the norm with a humorous non-fiction book that details the evolution of the English language.  I wasn't sure if she would like it or not, but she LOVE IT!  She just finished it yesterday.  Her next assignment will be a missionary biography or her choice. 

Strawberry Girl- In addition to her school assigned-book, Sweetie Pea always has at least one other "fun" book of her choice that she glues herself to at every spare moment of the day.  This is a classic, MUST READ, for every little girl, so I was glad to see her pick it up.

Super Boy-2nd Grade

Sam the Minuteman- Both my older boys read phonetically-staged readers for school, but have a fiction "just for fun" book to read at bedtime.  Currently my oldest son's "fun" choice has been history or science-themed.

Blonde Warrior-1st Grade

Are You My Mother?

What's on your shelf for November?  Mind if I take a quick peek?


  1. Thanks for sharing! I'm always looking for good books for my voracious readers.

  2. I am also currently reading Unglued and LOVE it! I am about half way through so far. I just saw at Lifeway that Jeremy Camp's book is revised so I am adding that to my library cue to read for a second time. I love a good biography! Our read aloud's to my first grader are Eating The Plates: A Pilgrim Book of Food and Manners by Lucille Recht Penner and I have The Thanksgiving Book by the same author. We have one last chapter to read of The House at Pooh Corner.

    1. We loved the House at Pooh Corner!! Do you read it with the accents? I tried but got all muddled because there are so many characters.

    2. Ha! Of course voices are a must!!! Although I don't know if I should be proud of the fact that Eeyore's voice is my best one!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Our daughter who is in third grade just finished the second book in the Elizabeth's Jamestown Colony Diary series which is The Starving Time by Patricia Hermes. She is really enjoying it and it goes well with what we are working on. We picked them up at the local library.

    1. I'll have to remember those two titles when we spiral back to American History in a few years. Time to add them to my Good Reads list. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I love your book choices! Thank you for sharing. Strawberry Girl is such a family favorite.

  6. Currently we're reading A Wrinkle in Time as a family. Even as an adult, this is one of my favorites. My 4th grader is reading Marley, the story about the golden retriever, and my 6th grader is reading Time Pieces- The Book of time. This is about a little girl who hears about the experiences of her grandfather on the Underground Railroad.

    1. Hmm...I've not heard of Time Pieces. I'll have to look that one up. Thanks for sharing!

  7. We're a Sonlight family, so we're all reading aloud Johnny Tremain. My 5th grader is reading Phoebe the Spy, The Cabin Faced West and The Lewis and Clark Expedition. My 2nd grader already read through all her 3rd grader Sonlight readers, Little House in the Big Woods and is now working on Little House on the Prairie. She's a lot like me at that age -- she devours books. I just finished reading James Herriott's Treasury for Children to my Kindergartener. My 3 year old likes George & Martha books and Curious George.

  8. I forgot myself. Sticking with the American history theme, I have been reading The Light and Glory (1492-1793): God's Plan for America by Peter Marshall & David Manuel. I read it when I was a teenager, but am grasping so much more as an adult.

  9. Just had to comment...my first grader is over the moon for "Are You My Mother"! She has been reading it over and over again every night at bedtime. :)
