Pinterest Flips & Flops: Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

It's the second Monday of the month, and that means it's time for my monthly Pinterest Flips and Flops Link-Up.  I've been busy reorganizing many of my Pinterest boards to make them more useable.  (No sense being a "pin" collector.  I actually hope to DO the projects I have pinned.  Emphasis on "hope"!)

And while I was busy organizing...and then, re-organizing...I actually got around to trying three of those previously-pinned projects.  (Wow! Try saying THAT three times fast!)  Today, I'm giving a report.  Were these pins FLIPS or FLOPS?  Here's my two cents.

Flip:  How to Roast the Perfect Pumpkin Seed

Pinterest Flips and Flops: How to Roast the Perfect Pumpkin Seed-The Unlikely Homeschool

Roasting pumpkin seeds has been an annual tradition in our home since The Hubs and I said, "I do."  Over the years, I've tried all different recipes in search of the PERFECT roasted seed.  Obviously when I came upon this "How to Roast the Perfect Pumpkin Seed" recipe, I couldn't help but pin it.    

I am giving this recipe a "Flip", not because I thought it made the PERFECT pumpkin seeds as the original blogger had touted, but because it made GOOD ones.  They were crunchy, but no too crunchy.  Salty, but not too salty.  Roasted, but not too roasted.  But, were they "perfect"?

I personally, think that the elusive "perfect seed" might still be out there lurking on Pinterest, so I will continue my annual fall.  And if I come up empty handed, I'll have no problem rehashing this "pin" one more time.  So, I think that warrants a FLIP, don't you?

Flip: Preschool Circle Art

Last month, when the older kids and I made some abstract self-portraits from magazine clippings, I knew that my two middle boys would not be able to tackle such a meticulous project.  Not wanting them to miss out on our weekly art time, I searched my old pins for a preschool-friendly, process-oriented art project that would not require a lot of instruction and help from me.  Despite it's title of "the Messiest Project Ever" from it's original blogger, I was INSTANTLY drawn to this Preschool Circle Art project.  

I didn't think it was messy AT ALL!

On DAY 1, I squirted a dab of black acrylic paint on a paper plate, handed each of my middle boys a disposable cup, and let them make overlapping circles.  I set their art aside to let the paint dry.  Then, on DAY 2 when the older kids and I were finalizing our self-portraits, I handed the middle boys a set of water color paints and instructed them to paint each section of circle/space a different color.  THEY LOVED IT...even my "I don't like art, mom!" son.  It was a project that was do-able and didn't require much mommy-supervision.  A win-win!

Flop: Cheesy Sausage and Pepper Pasta

I hesitate to call this recipe a flop knowing that taste is very subjective.

Every few weeks, I make a sausage/potato/pepper hash for lunch that gets rave reviews all around the table.  So, when I saw this pin for Cheesy Sausage and Pepper Pasta, I thought my family would love it.  Knowing their love for the potato version, it seems only natural that they'd love the pasta version...RIGHT?


While no one hated the dish, no one really loved it either...including this momma goat who will eat just about ANYTHING.  I didn't regret making it.  But, I definitely won't be making it again.  The flavor combinations just weren't to our liking.  But, maybe they are to yours.  So, while I give this one of "flop", it might very well be a "flip" at your house.  

Now it's your turn!
Have you tried any Pinterest projects this month?  If so, I'd love to hear about them.  Link up your Flips and Flops and tell the rest of us which "pin" is worth trying and one we should just delete.  You can link up here or at any one of these lovely blogs. 


  1. So...the flop only leads me to ask for your recipe of the sausage/potato/pepper hash :) Whadda ya say?

    1. It's nothing fancy. Just a simple potato, green bell pepper, onion, and sausage hash in the skillet. My fam loves it for lunch especially on a cold day.

  2. Lovin' the circle art! We'll have to "borrow" that one. :-)
