BionicBlox: A Great Toy for a Builder Boy

BionicBlox: a great toy for developing architectural/engineering skills.  Kids can learn numerous math concepts through open-ended, self-directed play.-The Unlikely Homeschool

Last week, when asked by one of my lovely Facebook readers, Jessica, if I had any suggestions for architectural-type educational toys designed to develop math and building skills in her six-year-old son, I IMMEDIATELY thought of our family set of BionicBlox.  I quickly responded to her message knowing that these simple and age-appropriate blocks would be just the thing for any budding builder...boy OR girl!  

(Disclaimer:  I was given a 100 Piece Visionary BionicBlox set in exchange for a thorough review.  I also received monetary compensation for my time spent in reviewing the product.  All opinions expressed were true and completely my own.  I am not responsible if your experiences vary.)

BionicBlox: a great toy for developing architectural/engineering skills.  Kids can learn numerous math concepts through open-ended, self-directed play.-The Unlikely Homeschool

Here's a quick look at BionicBlox in action

Designed by teachers with education in mind, BionicBlox are simple kits of blocks and joint connectors that promote beginning architecture and engineering skills. Kids can learn the basic math concepts required for building by experimenting with length, line, angles, proportions, and pressure all while enjoying the creativity that comes with OPEN-ENDED play. There are NO right or wrong designs. No pre-scripted plans. No one-size-fits-all learning with this toy. Just imagination and invention...pure and simple!

What I like about BionicBlox

BionicBlox entertain and educate at the same time.

Take one quick peek around The Unlikely Homeschool, and it won't be too hard to tell why I like our 100 piece Visionary Kit.  In my opinion, an educational pursuit worthy of my time and limited financial resources has to meet the following requirements:
  • It must be fun.
  • It must be challenging.
  • It must be age-appropriate.
  • It must guide learning, not just contrive it.
  • It must be adaptable for children of varying age levels and abilities.
Under my critical eye, BionicBlox measure up!

BionicBlox encourage shared family experiences.

As I mentioned in the video, it is not often I find a toy that is challenging enough for my two oldest kids  but safe enough for my toddler.  Unlike many other building kits, these stem toys are all too large to fit into a toddler's mouth.  I never have to fear when my older boys want to include their younger brothers in a building project.  

In fact, on more than one occasion, The Newbie has "volunteered" to be a "weight" to test the engineering strength of his older siblings' creations during a building challenge.  

BionicBlox promote open-ended play.

Play time around my house seems to last much longer when the toy of choice promotes open-ended play.  Each of my kids are different.  What entertains one doesn't necessarily entertain another.  Open-ended toys...ones which encourage decision-making, collaboration, creativity, and cognitive reasoning...are almost always enjoyed by EVERYONE.  Why?  Because open-ended toys promote individuality.  Each one of my kids are free to play with BionicBlox however they want to play with them.  There's no RIGHT or WRONG way.

BionicBlox: a great toy for developing architectural/engineering skills.  Kids can learn numerous math concepts through open-ended, self-directed play.-The Unlikely Homeschool

The Nitty-Gritty of BionicBlox

Visionary Kit

  • comes with 75 wooden foundation beams and 26 BionicStar connectors
  • specifically designed for ages 3-12
  • BionicStar connectors are compatible with Citiblocs® and Keva planks®
  • currently comes in 2 color choices (patriotic mix OR blue/white)
  • retails price is $49.99 plus shipping

BionicBlox: a great toy for developing architectural/engineering skills.  Kids can learn numerous math concepts through open-ended, self-directed play.-The Unlikely Homeschool

Want to learn more?

To learn more about their engineering kits, be sure to visit BionicBlox on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, or Google +.

In the meantime, check out these great clips of what other imaginative kids have created using BionicBlox.

Want a set for yourself?

Just head over to BionicBlox to grab any of their award-winning building kits. Enter coupon code HOMESCHOOL10 (ALL CAPS) at checkout and receive 10% off your order from now until the end of November 10, 2013.


  1. Thank you!!! I have a future engineer who will love this!

  2. Coupon is not working... any ideas ?

    1. Oh no! I will check on this and get back with info as soon as I can.

    2. OK...the error has been fixed. Please use coupon code: HOMESCHOOL10. Homeschool should be typed in all caps. Hope that works for you.

  3. Coupon didn't work for me either:(

    1. I hope you haven't ordered yet and can still use the fixed code. Please type HOMESCHOOL10 in all caps.

  4. I like this. It is also WAY less expensive than the Lego Education Sets!

  5. My girls, old as they are, would love these.
