Introducing The Unlikely Homeschool 2013-2014

Hi, y'all!  I'm Jamie.  I'm a BIG CITY SOUTHERN momma livin', lovin', and learnin' in a small "Mayberry-esque" northern town.  In addition to the momma hat, I also wear the TEACHER hat...and the nurse hat, and the referee hat, and the chef hat, and the seamstress hat, and the...well, you get the idea. 

Let me introduce you to my crew...

Meet The Hubs.
He's the Senior Art Director of a local advertising firm.  When he's not creating clever print, radio, and television ads OR acting as "principal" to our one-room school house, he runs an on-line pickin' business.  In other words, he scrounges old barns for junk, cleans up his finds, and flips them for profit.

I know it's easy to look at my bloggy ramblings and think that our homeschool must run like a well-oiled machine.  But, while it might look like THIS on your 14 inch screen...

It ACTUALLY looks more like THIS in real life!

And now for the STARS of the show...

Here are the five GIFTS that I have the privilege of "training up" each and every day. 

And then there's The Newbie who is adored by all of us and who brings much love and adventure to our homeschool days.  

Introducing the Unlikely Homeschool 2013-2014

So, that's us!

The Unlikely Homeschool

Glad to meetcha'!

Linking up to share school photos at the 2013 Not Back-to-School Hop hosted by iHomeschool Network.


  1. Looks like our second graders would get along really well!

  2. Glad to meet you too. :)

  3. I love the realness... Yes, this would be our picture as well... The layout and design was so fun to look at and read... Being real is what I like..

    thrivingonabudget dot com

  4. Cute pictures of your even cuter family. :)

  5. That picture of Sweetie Pea in the family pic is me as a little girl. And if I'm honest today as well.

  6. Lovely! my oldest is entering kindergarten this year. mixed feelings about that. love the images you made for each kid for school!

  7. Love your pictures...Beautiful family. I so want to homeschool my one daughter, now 6yrs old and in private Christian school. It is so very tough to homeschool just one child - no classmates is very boring and I can't do enough fieldtrips. We tried in preschool (K4) and it was pretty tough on many days. Her favorite days where Fridays because we went to a co-op and she got to be with other kids around her age. By the end of that year I was worn out and she was not inspired enough to stay home with mommy. I do not believe all the issues non-homeschool families say are valid for homeschool families, like the "social" issue....BUT, I know for my daughter, with no siblings even close to her age(We also have a 25 year old daughter - yup, not the average aged mother of a 6 yr old huh!! - and I'm so appreciative for the Godly wisdom my age affords me) she loves, loves, LOVES the interactive opportunities she gets at brick/mortar school. She does very well in her intimate private school setting, and as much as I want her home with me, it's not for I do a lot of volunteer work at the school since she is there. So, I must admit I have grown to appreciate my church so very much, since that's where she goes to school and will continue to go until I can pull her out (IF I DO)! But I do truly want to homeschool her terribly - after all that's why I stopped working 7 years ago. I tell people I am a homeschool mom who drives her baby to private christian school....for now! Maybe one day we both can enjoy the benefits of her being homeschooled...I hope so!

    1. Don't feel bad for your choice, Felecia. Every situation is different. If I wasn't homeschooling, a nice private school like you've mentioned would be my next choice. I think it is great that you volunteer so much in the classroom. You will reap the dividends of all your hours of work in the school as your relationship with your daughter blossoms because of it! God bless.

    2. That is what I am struggling with Felecia, attempting to home school my 7 year old grandson. He's an only child and I'm having such difficulty with motivating him in class. This is our second year and most days I end up in tears after our school day. He's fine with subjects he likes, but come math or copy work or handwriting his whole attitude goes south. He slouches in his chair, or writes on the table, or doesn't even TRY to write neatly. When I look up fun school activities for break times (figuring during these difficult times a mental break might help) they are for multi-children class rooms and not for one child. Some days I feel like throwing in the towel, but like you I really REALLY want to teach him in a home environment, so I keep on trying. He seems to want everything to be "fun" and while I want to make school enjoyable best I can, I also want him to know that some things a person must do whether they are fun or not. He lives with us and I use his Papa (my husband) for the example. I say not everything Papa's boss tells him to do is fun, but Papa must do it anyway and he must do it with a good attitude. I am praying I can make it work.

  8. OMG, what a good lookin' family! I love your blog (very real and down to earth) and look forward to getting the emails. I am already excited about the faith-based gift ideas and have started to pass the list along to family and friends. Thank you! :-)

    1. Thanks, so glad you like the blog! I know I'm biased, but I think they're pretty cute.
