How I Start My Homeschool Day on the Right Foot {video}

How I start my homeschool day on the right foot {with a helpful video}

As your mother always said, "A good morning starts the night before."

It seems so simple...barely even worth mentioning...but in addition to setting out my task cards, preparing for my day the night before has really helped me to start my homeschool day on the right foot. Here's a quick peek...

In case you are curious, I am purposeful to begin my homeschool day by focusing on my baby and preschooler at the very start of the morning. While I do have an intentional homeschool plan for my preschooler, it is not as academically intense and therefore the prep work is much different than that of my elementary-aged kids. I will be discussing more preschool "how to"s in the coming weeks. I hope you'll join me!


  1. It did help, thanks a lot! Im homeshcooling my girls next year and Im starting to get ideas and plans in my head. Routine is great!

    1. It sure is! I hope your first year is fantastic and that you make a lot of great memories with your kids!

  2. Very helpful and encouraging! Thank you! This is my first year homeschooling my 4 kids(one is pre-k) so I find that organization and preparation are KEY! haha I really enjoy your blog-thank you! :)

  3. Hi! I'm Thai. so sorry for my English.
    I just wonder how much does it cost for homeschooling?
