Devotional Resources for 2013

Devotional Resources for 2013

Back in September, I shared my curriculum plans for the 2012-2013 school year, including the devotional/Bible books that my children would be reading through every morning. But, then came Christmas with its gift of Myrrh and many of our devotional plans were changed.

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Since I desire to keep personal morning devotions a treasured part of our Good Morning Board routine, I never want to let their reading time to grow stagnant. Just as I enjoy beginning a new Bible study book, my children do too!

Lately, I've been receiving quite a few emails regarding what materials I use during our homeschool day. So, I thought it might be worthwhile to share a few of the fun resources they have been using to further both their knowledge of and love for God.

Sweetie Pea (4th grade)

Although she has continued to read and enjoy both Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids and What the Bible Is All About Handbook for Kids every day, she has also added in The Christian Girl's Guide to Style, a fun book about modesty and placing the PROPER focus on one's inward and outward appearance. Although it might look like a fluffy book with very little Biblical content, I've been surprised at how well the author has woven practical "care and keeping" tips with spiritual application.

Super Boy (1st grade)

Since just after the new year, Super Boy has been reading his way through the The Action Bible, a graphic novel version of Scripture. At first, when the Hubs suggested that we purchase a comic book Bible for our son, I was a little leery. I felt like the traditional chapter/verse children's Bible that he took to church would be just fine for his personal devotions. But, as I knew he had spent the first few months of the school year struggling to form a LOVE for reading and was just now beginning to enjoy it, I did not want his frustration with reading to hinder his love for reading God's Word. I, then, recalled Paul's ministry mantra found in the last half of 1 Corinthians 9: 22, "I have become all things to all people so that by ALL POSSIBLE MEANS I might save some." (emphasis mine)

By all possible means...even a comic book Bible...I will do my best to ignite a passion for Scripture within my son. And as I've mentioned before, in these early years, my primary goal for morning devotions is to help develop a love for it. For now, I will focus on giving my son "milk" knowing that he gets plenty of "meat" in our family devotion time each evening.

Blonde Warrior (Kindergarten)

Last year, I had purchased The Hear Me Read Bible for Super Boy to begin reading on his own. I had hopes of passing it down to the next little reader in the family. But, it quickly grew into a devotional favorite, was read over-and-over, and OVER AGAIN, and eventually completely fell apart. A new copy made for the perfect Christmas myrrh gift for Blonde Warrior. At first, he could only look through the pictures and TELL himself the familiar stories. But, he is now beginning to read a few pages each day. Its very repetitive "reader"-style makes it possible for him to have personal...not MOM DIRECTED...devotions.

Greased Lightning (preschool)

Since the birth of the Newbie, it has become more difficult for me to read a Bible story to my non-reading little one each day. And as I know he continues to receive time in the Word during our family devotion time each evening, I have dismissed the "mommy guilt" reminding myself that the baby stage is just a short season that needs to be cherished.

That being said, he still HAS a personal devotion time each morning. I have a shelf of toddler/preschool Bibles within his reach. He is allowed to choose any Bible he likes and look through the pages of one story. Most of the stories in these children's Bibles are sooooo familiar that he is able to recount the details of each page without my help. Although the story is not necessarily read to him, he is still developing the wonderful spiritual discipline of a quiet time with God each day. By helping him to form that habit early, I am hoping he will have an easier time making it a life-long priority. His current favorite story is The Tiny Tots Bible Story Book, a colorful version with big, but simple pictures and very few words.

The Newbie

While he doesn't participate in our morning devotion time, he does enjoy his myrrh gift with his big sister who reads it to him every chance she can get. A board book just perfect for busy tots, the ABC Bible Verse Book supplies a simplified version of a Bible verse for every letter of the alphabet. With as many times as his older sister has read this book aloud to him, I'm quite certain that some of his first words will be Scripture passages. And as an added bonus, the reader has learned most of them as well! While I'm not in love with the illustrations (They're not very artistic.), I couldn't have asked for a better text!


  1. My son reads the Action Bible too. He is really big into superheroes and comic books, so he loves reading it! I agree with you, if we can find any way to instill our daily values and love for God's word, then by 'all possible means!'

    1. We've got some serious super hero fans here, too.
