April Fool's "Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream"

Pssst...I've got a secret...
It's April Fool's Day today!  

OK, so that's not really a secret...to YOU. 
BUT, since my kid's don't ever remember that April 1st is April Fool's...please DON'T tell them!

While I get to work on this year's gag, here's a look at one of my "tricks" from April Fool's past.

After dinner, I told the kids that we would all enjoy a special dessert...mint chocolate chip ice cream, one of their favorites! Cheers came from around the table as four eager kids awaited their cold treat.  

One bite, however, proved to be a bit disappointing. What LOOKED like mint chocolate chip turned out to be...
cold mashed potatoes!

Don't worry...I had a gallon of the real stuff chilling in the freezer and served it up after the laughter subsided.

To make April Fool's "Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream"

You will need:

mashed potatoes
green food dye (for a natural dye: combine blueberry juice and ground turmeric)
an empty ice cream bucket

  1. Mix green food dye into the mashed potatoes until the potatoes take on a mint green color.
  2. Mix in enough peppercorns to look like a proper ice cream/chocolate chip ratio.
  3. Place mixture in a clean, empty ice cream tub.  
  4. Place the tub in the freezer for an hour before serving just to create the "illusion". (The potatoes will freeze solid if left in the freezer for too long. You want them to be scoop-able, not frozen.)
  5. Serve with an ice cream scoop and a smile!  

Got any April Fool's Jokes to share?

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