Adding Some FLASH to Flashcard Review: Right in a Row

Adding Some FLASH to Flashcard Review-5 simple games/activities for reviewing with flashcards in homeschooling-The Unlikely Homeschool

Why drag out another boring worksheet today when you can review the same concepts with a simple stack of flashcards? Welcome to Day 3 of Adding Some FLASH to Flashcard Review!

Here's a simple activity that not only provides a thorough review of the material, but also stretches cognitive skills by encouraging a multi-level answer.

To play Right In a Row

All you need is a stack of flashcards. These can cover any subject as long as the answers can be ordered sequentially (numbers in numerical order, letters in alphabetical order, presidents in inauguration order, etc.)

Right in a row-flaschcard games that stretch cognitive skills-The Unlikely Homeschool

Randomly arrange a handful of cards in front of your child...3-6 cards depending upon his/her age.

Right in a row-flaschcard games that stretch cognitive skills-The Unlikely Homeschool

Instruct your child to put the cards in order according to the answers...ascending or descending. This will require him to start at the first card, determine the answer in his head, and move it to the right or the left of the card right next to it...depending upon how the answers RELATE to one another.

Right in a row-flaschcard games that stretch cognitive skills-The Unlikely Homeschool

Once he has arranged all the cards into sequential order, instruct him to turn the cards over to reveal the answers. If the cards are one-sided, you will have to check the cards to determine if the order is correct.

Right in a row-flaschcard games that stretch cognitive skills-The Unlikely Homeschool

*In this case, my daughter was given multiplication flashcards and had to arrange them so that the answers would gradually get larger from left to right. (In hindsight, this may not have been the best example photo since it appears that the majority of these sample cards were all in the SIX times family making it much too easy to figure out their order.)

I love that this activity requires a multi-level answer. The child has to know the actual ANSWER to each card but also how that answer RELATES to all the other answers in the series. Relational ordering is a higher-level thinking skill making Right in a Row a great addition to any flaschcard review!

*I've joined with 22 other bloggers from iHomeschool Network for a winter Hopscotch full of homeschooling ideas. Head on over and check out all 110 posts.

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