Waterproof Bible Review

Waterproof Bible-The Unlikely Homeschool

Woo-hoo! Finally a book that will stand the wear and tear of my rough-and-tumble household...and better yet, IT'S A BIBLE! Yep, that's right! I was given the opportunity to check out the ESV Waterproof Bible from Bardin & Marsee Publishing.

If you could have been at my house to witness the "bowl of flying banana oatmeal" incident today, you'd know how excited I was to receive my very own WORRY FREE Bible.  Made from entirely synthetic materials, the Waterproof Bible is completely LIQUID PROOF and STAIN RESISTANT.  But, I suppose, that is something you have to see to believe.  Check it out...

What I liked

As I mentioned in my video, I obviously love the NO WORRIES feature.  But really, what momma wouldn't love something that is guaranteed to REPEL stains?  Also, my normal everyday "work horse" Bible is quite large because it is a study Bible.  I appreciate the smaller, user-friendly size of the Waterproof Bible for easy travel.  As I was carrying it about town, I had several friends ask if it was difficult to turn the synthetic pages.  Absolutely not!  In fact, I find the heavier weighted pages easier to turn than the normal tissue paper-style of typical Bibles.  In addition, the synthetic quality makes them nearly impossible to rip.  With a baby on my lap during much of the church service, a rip-free page is w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l!

Who would want one?

Apart from busy moms who have kids who will be...kids...I would also recommend this Bible for:
  • kids going to summer camp
  • extreme sport enthusiasts who would take their Bible into the elements
  • youth workers who take church "on the road" for youth events
  • folks, like me, who tend to be more klutzier than the norm

The Waterproof Bible-The Unlikely Homeschool

The Nitty Gritty

    Published by Bardin & Marsee Publishing
  • 100% synthetic paper and binding
  • 754 pages, 5 7/8" x 8 3/4"
  • 6 different popular versions to choose from
  • 4 different styles/colors
  • retails for $39.95
  • followers of The Unlikely Homeschool can use the following shipping code to receive free shipping on all products ordered

To learn more about this pink/brown ESV or the wide-variety of other Waterproof Bibles from Bardin & Marsee Publishing, be sure to visit them at www.bardinmarsee.com or check them out on Facebook or Twitter @waterproofbible.

You can also visit Aadel at These Temporary Tents or Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers for more user reviews.

Waterproof Bible-The Unlikely Homeschool

Want to win one?

Now's your chance to grab a copy of this pink/brown ESV Waterproof Bible...FOR FREE!  Just follow the simple instructions from Rafflecopter.  There are ten chances to register to win.  Simply click on the +sign for every entry you wish to make. 

No purchase necessary to win.  Must be 18 years old or older and have a US or military address to enter. A winner will be randomly selected via Rafflecopter and will be announced sometime after Monday, October 22, 2012.  The winner will be notified via email and will have 72 hours to respond.  If an email address is not provided or the winner does not respond, the prize will be forfeited and a new winner will be randomly selected.  This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook. 

***Mandatory Entry:  To enter, be sure to leave a comment in the "comments" section of this post telling me how you will use a waterproof Bible.  (Remember, simply leaving a comment does not ensure entry.  You also have to click the +5 after you have LEFT a comment.)

Good luck and thanks for following The Unlikely Homeschool!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*I was given a copy of The Waterproof Bible in exchange for a thorough review.  I also received monetary compensation for my time spent in reviewing the product.  All opinions expressed were true and completely my own.  I am not responsible if your experiences vary.


  1. Thanks for the review! I saw these at the bookstore a couple of weeks ago and wondered if they really were waterproof. As a "klutzy" mom of five kids, it might be nice to have a Bible that could withstand coffee spills, toddler hands, and camping trips!

  2. Two words for why it would be beneficial to me: Two boys :)

  3. I would use this Bible as my outside the house Bible for when I run out to the park with my son. Thanks for the review.

  4. This would be the perfect bible for camp outs!

  5. I've been wanting one of these! House of boys, that's why! haha! Thanks for the giveaway & the review.
    cam @ sasser creative . com

  6. I love the ESV version and always leave my Bible in the kitchen so I can grab it quickly when I have some down time. This Bible would be great to keep readily available in my kitchen without having to worry about spills.

  7. This bible would be great to bring to church. I am always eating and drinking on Sundays around my bible at church.

  8. I would love to have a Bible that I could carry around with me outside of the house and not worry about it getting ruined. Thanks for the chance to win.

  9. The waterproof Bible would be of great use to me when we are camping with our Venture Crew & American Heritage Girls. We could use this Bible out in nature and not worry about it getting wet/damp. It would also be great to take to the beach!

  10. I have 5 (soon to be 6) kids. That should say enough! And my Bible should be the center of everything we do, which would mean it's gonna get dirty. Would love a copy that I felt safe leaving on my kitchen counter.

  11. What a brilliant idea!!! I would love to have one for camping :-)

  12. I love what you said about having a baby on your lap during church...it would benefit me in that way too!

  13. Oh my, a drool and spit up proof bible. I would love to have one of these!!

  14. I have a daughter who loves to take any container filled with liquid and "make a mess" by dumping it upside down. I would love to use this bible during out breakfast bible study. It would provide me no worries about what I left out on the table if I walked away. Thanks for the give away.

    The video was not working when I did this.

  15. I'd love a KJV one . would help when accidental spills occur

  16. With a toddler and a 3 year old this would be amazing for church!

  17. Well with 2 children and pets there is always something getting spilled. :)

    thingsilove79 at hotmail.com

  18. I would absolutely LOVE one of these bibles, both for the waterproof and tearproof! Whether from my own coffee/soda addiction, or my occassionally messy kids (and did I mention hubby, lol), this would be great to have! My current bible has about had it (falling apart inside of bible holder) so this would be a wonderful replacement!! :)

  19. I would love one of these as we are constantly spilling over here. So far our Bible has escaped unharmed but I know it is just a matter of time. :) thank you for the opportunity!

  20. This would be great for me, since I have 4 little ones and my kitchen table is always a mess. Spills are pretty common around here!

  21. I would love to win one cause I have been wanting a "grown up Bible" for some time now. I still have my "teen" Bible. I just can't bring myself to spend money on another one.


  23. I have four boys--would be first around here!
    --Gena at ichoosejoy.org

  24. This is an amazing idea! I had a small bible I carried in my purse for years (in a ziploc bag) but one day I didn't put it back in the bag and I was stuck in the rain...needless to say, it's not so small anymore! Not to mention, having four littles, there wouldn't be so many discolorations in my good book!

  25. I love this idea and hope to see more formats (sizes) available.

  26. I would like it because it would not have all the stains my current one has from spilled coffee, and little fingers.

  27. I have not seen a waterproof Bible so this would be awesome! I also do not have the ESV yet and would like to add that to my different versions for study. Thank you for a great giveaway!
    Always Experiencing Him,

  28. I could give it to one of my children without worry that they would accidentally destroy it.

  29. A waterproof Bible would be great for my morning tea time, devotion time with a 3 year old climbing on my lap. This would be great!

  30. It would be beneficial to me because I have children!

  31. We would use this for our homeschool Bible. It would be nice to not have to worry about anything ruining it & we could take it any where! :-)

  32. I am just learning about these. Would totally fit into my crazy busy but wonderful life. Thanks for the useful review!

  33. I will read it in the shower to save time. ;)

  34. I love having my cup of coffee with me while reading my bible, and this would be a safe way to do so! Thanks for sharing!

  35. This would make it so much easier to read God's Word. Take it in the bath, to the pool, or with a cup of coffee!

  36. I would use it every where. It looks like a wonderful bible to take along with out worry you will ruin it. I could use it lots of places.

  37. This is awesome! We're missionaries in Tanzania and this would be great for our living conditions. I wish they had them in Kiswahili!

  38. Five years ago I spilled peptobismol on my bible on a particularily rough car trip. I still use that bible to this day and would love to replace it with something more durable.

  39. I have a close friend who goes caving. A waterproof Bible would be perfect

  40. I would love to be able to read my bible in the bathtub without fear of dropping it in!! Love that you can mark in it!

  41. I would love to have a bible that I could take with me on our homeschool "adventures" and around the house without having to worry about damages.

  42. These look great! I would use this everywhere! It would especially be great for outside adventures like camping and hiking, or at the beach.

  43. Bring it camping and to the pool. Love this waterproof Bible... would love to try it

  44. I would use this in 2 ways. 1) My daughter is 18 months. It is hard to read because... well if there is any water around, she will find it and spill it on me. Seriously, she is like a water magnet. So this would be super useful. As she grows, it would be perfect to hand it over to her with my notes in the margin. A keepsake that can go with her camping, to church, and wherever else she takes it. I will not have to worry about her reading at the table and spilling soda on it totally messing it up, which with a child is inevitable...lol. This is such a brilliant idea. So glad someone finally thought of it.

  45. Having an take anywhere Bible is essential for a homeschool mom!
