American Girl History Units: Molly

Today's series in our American Girl History Units brings us to a pivotal time in our nation's history. The United States was beginning to see growth and prosperity after the despairing years of the Great Depression. Then came the infamous attack on Pearl Harbor and, once again, America was deep in the trenches of hardship. As our guest writer, Susan Mathis points out, the "Molly's" of the '40s would be in their 70s today and might still be alive to tell many heroic tales of men and women...and even children...who did their part to defend our country during WWII.

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Written by Susan Mathis.

Molly's story may be hard for girls to grasp unless they have had a parent in the military. However, it is a good opportunity for us to once more consider how history is shaped by those brave enough to put their lives on the line for their family's freedom.

Week 1

Mark Molly’s home in Jefferson, Illinois, on the map. Her home is actually very similar to Kit’s. 

Also, just as Kit’s father had to leave, Molly’s father was away from home.

Find 1944 on the Timeline, as well as 1934, the year Molly was born. Check out the internet to find other events happening in America at about that time. The most significant of these for Molly was America’s involvement in World War II. 

Choose a craft to work on while you’re studying Molly. Consider some sort of outdoor crafts similar to what Molly might have made at camp.

Week 2

Plant a Victory Garden.

Watch the Molly Movie.

Week 3

Find a list of items that were rationed during World War II and try doing without them for a week.

Read one the children’s books popular at the time, such as the early Nancy Drew mysteries.

Interview someone who lived during World War II. Remind your daughter that Molly would be 78 years old now.

More American Girl History Units to Explore

Grace & Cecile

Susan Mathis is the homeschooling mom of three children and a large number of American Dolls. She also joins her husband's blog, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Holiness.

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