Curriculum 2012-2013

Homeschool Curriculum List

For the past two or three years, our curriculum choices have remained unvaried.  But this year, I will be mixin' it up quite a bit.  My choice for change is NOT at all due to the fact that I no longer like my previous selections.  For the most part, these alterations have stemmed from the natural ebb and flow of life.  As I add more students to our school day and as my older kids begin to show a natural aptitude for or a struggle with a certain area, I make adjustments.

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So, after spending much of the summer in prayer and deliberation about our upcoming school year, the Hubs and I have finally determined our plan of action.  (I am highlighting all our changes in red.)


The older children will be working on independent study skills by 
using task cards to keep track of their  daily to-do's.  (More on this to come...)

Group Lessons:

Sweetie Pea-4th Grade:

Super Boy-1st Grade:

Blonde Warrior-Kindergarten:

Greased Lightening-Preschool:

Although this looks like a very full day, not all of these items will be tackled everyday.  In the coming days, I will be sharing a bit about our daily school schedule and how we orchestrate all of this learning each week.  For now, be sure to take a peek at how I hope to implement so much CHANGE into our upcoming year

Need more curriculum ideas, head on over to iHomeschool Network and check out what other homeschool families will be learning this coming school year.


  1. This will be my first year with 4 little learners (both of my little ones are ready to start a preschool curriculum!) I love that you're including a penpal as part of your writing instruction. I'd love to do that with my 2 older girls as well. Good luck, and I hope you all have a great school year!

    1. They love getting pen pal letters. Plus, on the days when they write a letter to their friend, they don't have to do handwriting or spelling because they are already practicing that by writing a letter.

  2. You're not alone in making adjustments in your homeschool each year--I think it shows how your children are growing, and also demonstrates that you are flexible enough to make changes that reflect your priorities.
    And I just used my Walk at Home DVD this morning! :-)

    1. Do you like it? I love that it works for adults and kids alike. The kids have their own kids video from last year, but still like to do this with me.

  3. It sounds like a fun year of plans you have! We've got 7 little ones and it's a wonderful adventure. You can peek at our plans here:

    Have a great year!

  4. Good stuff! I knew I'd see a lot of your resources and think, "Oh, we should look into that," and I was right! :) Can't wait to follow along through the year.

    1. Thanks, Joan. I love your plan too. That's one of the many great blessings of can cater the learning to their learning and your teaching style. There's so many varieties.

  5. Looks like you have a great year ahead! Some great picks!!

    Hope you have a great year!!


  6. Sounds like a great year you have planned!! I found you on the hop and followed you to your FB page and Pinterest :)

    I hope you have a very blessed school year!

  7. I love your choices! When do you do personal devotions? Everyone at the same time, same place, I'm trying to nail down a good time of day for the kids to do their own devos where I can be there to help them,

    1. We all do it at the same time. We spread out, find a comfy spot, and start. As a general rule, I try to do mine at the same time as them. But, occasionally, I do my own a little earlier, which helps so that I can keep my little non-readers focused on looking at their Bible pictures.

  8. Thanks for sharing about Eat Your Way Around the Globe. Since you mentioned Mensa, you might like the Gifted Pinterest board I created, along with other homeschool boards.
    Popped by from the “Not-Back-to-School” Blog Hop: Curriculum Week!
    Hope that you have a happy homeschool year! Happy planning for 2012-2013!
    Hope that you will pop by to say hello over at my blog and my Pinterest boards too!
    Colleen a.k.a. Pinterest Mama
    Sunrise Learning Lab
