American Girl History Units: Addy

The Unlikely Homeschool

Welcome to our ten-week-long American Girl History Unit Series. This week, Susan Mathis is introducing us to Addy. Our family read this entire series a couple of years ago after completing a very captivating Civil War study. All six books were a humbling look at life and the prejudices and hardships that free African-Americans faced at this time in our nation's history.

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American Girl History Units Series

Written by Susan Mathis.

Though Addy and Cecile were both African-Americans, their lives were very different and make an interesting study in the contrast between slaves and free people of color.

Week 1

Locate Addy’s home in North Carolina on the map. Then trace her journey to Philadelphia, noting that they would have had to travel secretly so they would have made pretty slow progress, even by the standards of the day.

Find 1864 on the Timeline, as well as 1854, the year Addy was born. Obviously, the American Civil War was the most significant event in Addy’s life and should be the center of study for this doll.

Choose a craft to work on while you’re studying Addy. Since M’Dear was a dress maker, why not have your daughter try her hand at a simple sewing project like making an apron?

Week 2

Like Kirsten, Addy did not learn to read until she was nearly ten. With your daughter, look on line for samples of the types of materials that would have been used to teach reading during the mid-1800s.
Philadelphia was a big, industrial city when Addy arrived. Many of these factories were staffed by children. Take time to read about child labor in northern factories in the years that Addy would have lived.

Week 3

Addy’s church has a Christmas party for the needy children in its area. Help your church or civic group plan a party for some children who might be experiencing a difficult Christmas.

More American Girl History Units to Explore

Grace & Cecile

Susan Mathis is the homeschooling mom of three children and a large number of American Dolls. She also joins her husband's blog, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Holiness.

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