2012-2013 Meet-and-Greet

With only one more full week until the official start of the 2012-2013 school year, I am knee-deep in lesson planning.  It's hard to believe that we are starting our 5th (If you count preschool...sixth) year of homeschool.  Five years and we are still in the honey moon phase! 

Today, I am joining the annual NOT-Back-to-School Hop at iHomeschool Network and sharing pics of my Littles who are ACTUALLY getting just as eager as I am to start our 2012-2013 school year.  So, here they are...

The Unlikely Homeschool

Sweetie Pea, age 8

The Unlikely Homeschool

Super Boy, age 6

The Unlikely Homeschool

Blonde Warrior, age 4

The Unlikely Homeschool

Greased Lightening, turns 3 this week!

The Unlikely Homeschool

the Newbie, 4 months

Be sure to head over to iHomeschool Network and link-up your homeschool pictures.  While you're there, stick around to meet-and-greet some other fun families as they embark on another year of homespun learning.

The Unlikely Homeschool


  1. Oh my gosh those are the BEST "School photos" EVER. I love the captions too! Oh my gosh, I might have to "borrow" this idea next year.

    Mommy's lap...you are clever.
    ; 0 )

    1. I did something similar to this for the Hubs for Father's Day and then saw a picture on Pinterest that was the same idea only for the first day of school. I tweeked it a bit and made it work for the first day of homeschool.

  2. Aww love this idea! Your kiddos are adorable! Love "The Newbie"'s grade :-)

  3. Glad I read your post right now because I didn't think the hop was happening until tomorrow. I already had mine written, so I just linked up! Thanks!
    REALLY like your chalkboard idea - super cute!!!

    1. Perfect! Glad to "remind" you. Look forward to seeing your Little's photos.

  4. So adorable! Even the family pet (hamster?) got in on the fun! Really cute idea with the chalkboard.

    1. The hamster is a recent development. You could call it a lesson in respsonsiblity?!

  5. beautiful!! I just love the idea -- so glad I stopped by tonight!

  6. Love your photos! Looks like you're going to have a fun year. Blessings!

  7. I LOVE that you used the chalkboard! I need to make my kids pose again and use ours! GREAT PICS!

    1. We actually never use that chalkboard for school. It hangs in our kitchen and usually has a seasonal message or verse on it.
