Summer Bucket List 2012

Summer Bucket List 2012-The Unlikely Homeschool

Every summer for the past five years, I have put together a "Jar 'O Fun" for the kids.  Inside the decorated jar, I have placed slips of paper declaring exciting summer happenings that the kids and I could enjoy on slow summer afternoons. 

This year, we are trying something new.  The jar has been replaced by a sand bucket labeled "Summer Bucket List."  I have seen similar ideas plastered all over the internet and thought we could create our own version.

Summer Bucket List 2012-The Unlikely Homeschool

A few weeks before school ended, I sat all the Littles down, passed out some festive-colored slips of paper and pencils, and encouraged the kids to write out a handful of activities that they would like to try before the summer is complete.  I added a few of my own...and voila'...our Summer Bucket List was written!  (For scheduling purposes, we wrote quick-and-easy activities on polka-a-dot paper and more time-consuming ones on striped paper.  That way, if we only have a few minutes to try some "fun", we know which slips to choose.)

Since the evening of our brainstorm, the kids have drooled over the bucket, anxious to draw out the first slip.  So what made our bucket list?

Well, here are our ideas in no particular order.

Summer Bucket List 2012-The Unlikely Homeschool

Brand New Adventures

  1. Shaving Cream Slip-n-Slide
  2. Slingshot water balloon war
  3. Make & use beach combs
  4. Enjoy a bubble bath pool
  5. Walk to the candy shop to pick out treats
  6. S'more cones over a campfire
  7. Paint the driveway using squirt bottles of paint
  8. Complete a veggie taste test
  9. Create ice paintings
  10. Eat banana boats
  11. Take a sound safari walk
  12. Make pudding pops

Summer Bucket List 2012-The Unlikely Homeschool

Annual Favorites/Everyday Fun

  1. Campout in the backyard.
  2. Take an egg carton nature scavenger hunt
  3. Create rain paintings
  4. Have a campfire with S'mores
  5. Go to the beach
  6. Play in the backyard sandbox
  7. Visit the park
  8. Take a bike ride
  9. Visit the water park
  10. Go strawberry picking

Summer Bucket List 2012-The Unlikely Homeschool

Summer Long Adventures 

  1. Annual summer long science project
  2. Discovery quiet time 
  3. T-ball for Super Boy
  4. Basket ball camp for Sweetie Pea
  5. Library book club four the four oldest
  6. Stamp collection for Blonde Warrrior
  7. Family fishing league/tournament with dad and other families
  8. Annual summer girls club with Sweetie Pea and other moms/daughters

Summer Bucket List 2012-The Unlikely Homeschool

Add to all of that two groups of out-of-state house guests that will each be staying for over a week, and you have the makings of a fabulous summer!  

Check back again in the coming days for further explanations and updates of our adventures.

Summer Bucket List 2012-The Unlikely Homeschool

What are you up to this summer?  Got any adventures you'd like to share?

For more great Summer Bucket lists, be sure to check out my "Bucket List" board on Pinterest.


  1. I love the categories you have your separated in! Ours is just a great big long list right now! Heading off to organize it now! (And to add a few of your fun ideas)!

    1. Ours is still a list in progress as the kids continue to add to it.

  2. I love the way you have broken down the activities! I might use those categories the next time I make one myself!

  3. Love the ideas on your list and the idea of having a bucket list. Summer is here, but the kids have been sick, so we haven't gotten ourselves in gear yet. I definitely want to plot out our activities to make sure we take advantage of this time! Thanks for sharing our painting idea :-)
