Phonics Magnets

The extra FANTASTIC weather we've been having around these parts has forced me to whip out my best "jazz hands" throughout the school day in order to keep the attention of my Littles.  

For Super Boy, that means as many manipulatives as I can possibly cram into one lesson.  

When reviewing phonics blends/word building, magnetic letters (with or without a metal background to stick them on) offer a much-needed diversion.  

Over the years, I've picked up numerous sets at the dollar store and garage sales.  We use magnetic letters for all sorts of phonics, language, and spelling activities.  And as our collection is multi-colored, even Greased Lightening can use them in tot school to practice color sorting.


  1. I will have to look for a set with magnets! We have foam letters that we use a lot.

  2. Dollar Tree is a great place to find them for cheap. I usually like several sets so that we can have many repeats in case we need them.
