Tuesday's Tot Trio #9

Greased Lightning had quite a busy agenda last week. Here is just a sampling of what kept him busy during the school day.

Whenever I have an empty wrapping paper tube, the little boys gather some of their favorite cars and we make a transportation tunnel. This time, Greased Lightning got to race solo.

I'm not sure what inspired this decision, but at one point, he lined up a bunch of cars demolition derby-style and watched as an on-coming car sent them flying across the floor.

At times Blonde Warrior joins in the tot fun. Such was the case one afternoon when I set the boys up on chairs at the kitchen sink. A slow trickle of water, a few funnels, and plastic measuring cups and spoons made for an hour of "cooking" pleasure.

For a quiet activity during some more difficult learning time for the older ones, my little guy enjoyed flipping through some old family photo albums. In this digital age, I rarely print photos out anymore, so Greased Lightning had to sift through pics of baby Sweetie Pea.

Do you have a tot at home? Got any fun "to dos" to share?
Here are a few more ideas.

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