ABC Book: Letter J

Blonde Warrior is officially done with all the pages of his ABC book and will spend the rest of the year continuing to review all the letters he has learned.  But, as I have never officially posted all of his alphabet craft projects, I will continue to do so until they are all accounted for.

To illustrate "J", he got to "monkey around" with some jungle friends to make some jungle animal tracks on his page.

He painted the paws of a few of our plastic jungle animals and then "galloped" them across his "J."

Surprisingly, many of the prints actually looked true to life...even with simple plastic toy animals.

You might be wondering why I have taught the letters in such a seemingly random order, but rest assured, there is a method to my madness.  I will be posting the "how's" and "why's" I teach the alphabet in the order that I do in a few weeks.  

If you missed it, here is Letter Z.

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Looking for more preschool ideas?  Head on over to the Preschool Corner of Homeschool Creations.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun idea! We still have to finish up a lot of our ABC crafts...I guess that's what we'll do this summer!
