Homeschooling isn't just an educational choice. In our home, it is a family culture. Even when the books are stashed away and the hands on the clock read "school's out," learning is still happening. Over the years, I've peppered our home with strategically placed items designed to foster curiosity, imagination, and learning around the clock.
Call it sneaky if you must.
I call it genius!
Who says an education can only happen between the hours of 8 and 3?
Or when a teacher is teaching?
Children are natural learners. It's how they are wired.
By providing an empty, unhurried afternoon schedule and a little suggestive inspiration, I can create a home that cultivates learning ALL DAY LONG.
Here are just a few ways that you, too, can sneak a learning culture into your home.
Encourage your child to...
- start a blog- Set the security to "lock" so that only invited guests may read it.
- play Scratch and Solve Hangman
- complete a Mad Lib
- start a collection
- begin a Q & A journal
- make a stop motion video by using a free app
- interview a grandparent with some simple questions
- create a pet habitat
- watch a kid-friendly nature documentary
- listen to an audiobook
- write to a penpal or deployed soldier
- take a nature walk
- hide/seek a geocache in your area
- open and keep track of a savings account with allowance money
- "adopt" one of your church's missionaries- send letters to, pray for, learn about the country/culture
- create a Zentangle
- sign up for the national Great Backyard Bird Count
- participate in NaNoWriMo
- make a balloon car
- recreate the construction of a famous building using blocks, Legos, or other materials
- create a comic book
- learn to make a variety of paper airplanes
- create a floor plan for an indoor fort and then build it
- plan a scavenger hunt for a younger sibling
- create a time capsule
- make a flip book
- try to replicate a famous painting
- learn origami
- plant a container garden
- learn a new skill using youtube
Invite your child to...
- become your sous chef for the day
- play a board game
- build a puzzle
- help open a family-run Etsy or eBay shop
- take a field trip
- shadow dad at work for a day
- participate in the free Home Depot workshops for kids
- attend a free presentation/workshop at your local library
- attend a free state park educational event in your area
- the local farmer's market
Purchase or make a...
- discovery basket
- magazine subscription (God's World is our current fave!)
- tinker box
- science kit
- craft/art kit
- squiggle book
- journal jar
- invention box- Fill it with empty containers, cardboard, egg cartons, etc. for inventing and creating.
- Lego idea book
- science exploration box- Fill it with a magnifying glass, clipboard, binoculars, specimen jars, etc.
thank you very useful guide. Especially keen on the idea of a science kit
ReplyDeleteI have one son who loves science. Science kits make it possible for him to explore his passion with or without my help!
DeleteAhhh...summer pictures. We're SOO looking forward to Spring and Summer around here!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I have to know, since you linked to this post again. Were those pics taken at Gooseberry Falls? We were there for the first time about a month and a half ago and absolutely loved it! Can't wait to go back!